View Full Version : New Bullsnake Project

04-05-19, 08:22 AM
Acquired these two this past sunday and very happy to have added them to the collection. Both fall 2018 animals, male was produced by Mike Weitzman and female was produced by Alexander England. This is the only pair like this in Canada.

1.0 Hybino (trumbower strain hypo) patternless whitesided, het axanthic (miami co. strain axanthic)

0.1 True Ghost (trumbower/Miami co.), het patternless albino and whitesided.

04-05-19, 11:15 AM
Great looking snakes, Andy!

Jim Smith
04-05-19, 01:49 PM
Beautiful Bulls. I especially like the looks of the Hybino.

04-05-19, 07:37 PM
Super cool, congrats!!!

If I add any more colubrids a bull would be a frontrunner. Super cool animals.

EL Ziggy
04-08-19, 09:06 AM
Gorgeous bulls Andy! They're the perfect colubrid if you ask me. Large, easy to care for, beautiful wild types and morphs, and they're usually great eaters. Can't go wrong with a pit!

Quinwin Tse
06-24-19, 03:16 AM
Andy, can you tell me where you got it? Thank you