View Full Version : Temperature Probes

03-27-19, 01:14 PM
So I'm setting up an enclosure for the juvy rainbow boa that im getting next week and i want to make sure the hottest part doesn't go above 85, but where exactly should i put my heat probe to measure surface temps? I'm not gonna put it in between the mat and the plastic but im unsure of whether I should put it in the substrate (not touching the plastic) and have it covered, or just let it lay on top of the substrate. Any thoughts?

Also when i take surface temp readings my temp gun comes out at 91 degrees for the hottest part but when i put the prob on the hottest part it says 83 so im kinda confused on why its reading that.

03-28-19, 10:11 AM
The probe goes OUTSIDE the enclosure sandwiched between the UTH and the tub. If it's inside it will be moved, laid on, peed on, etc....which can all cause inaccurate readings and potential heat spikes which can be dangerous and even fatal.

You want to rely on your temp gun to get true readings.