View Full Version : Snakebite Survivor's Club - review

03-04-03, 10:05 PM
Just finished The snakebite survivors club by jeremy seal.
I was overwhelmed to post a book review.

This book generally disappointed me. It was somewhat difficult to stick with, with the many stories that were all going on at once.
The snake facts were all very good, but there was way to much build up and background info to keep me interested. I think the book would have been good, if i could choose to keep 50 pages adn through out the otehr 100 or so.
Over-all, not too too bad, but i wouldnt recommend it enthusiastically!

On that note,
1) wondering if anyone else read it?
2) wondering if anyone on this site has ever been bit by a hot, and if so, what spp. was it? (thought this might be interesting)

thanks all

03-04-03, 10:22 PM
I read it, i own it. Thought it was a descent read. But yes, hard to follow.

I am as yet unpuctured ;)

I'll write more tomorrow, time for bed :D

Gregg M
03-05-03, 12:33 AM
I have never read the book...... I have also never been envenomated by a snake....... I did however take a sting from a deathstalker and a few from AZ bark scorpions....... The deathstalker sting was bad but alot less than what I thought..... Very painful and some swelling......

03-05-03, 09:10 AM
You probably got the "Salt" sting from the death stalker. 2 types of 'venom' in scorps, interesting stuff.

03-05-03, 09:54 AM
I saw this book in a bookstore last week, but I didn't read it.

The only time I got bit is after a milking session of a diabola russelli; got swelling and localized effect for around 5 days. I think after milking, there should still be some residual reserve of venom left, but very lucky the bite happen after milking. I always find milking is a very high risk technique since your fingers only inch away from the fangs. Have you got bit before Matt?


03-05-03, 10:21 AM
I found the book interesting in that they author began as an ophidiophobe. I would have enjoyed it more if it were not organized like Pulp Fiction and gave mroe than one case for each of the species represented. I like how the EDB in the "Big 5" though. ;)

03-05-03, 10:41 AM
yeah, i didnt like the pulp fiction thing either.
The America sorry was BY FAR the best story in there

ETET, geez man, you got bit by a russels...thats no laughlin' matter :eek: (as im sure you werent at the time)
I have never been bit, only time that was remotely close was a mayalan pit viper who was cranky....
never anything close after that!!

03-05-03, 10:31 PM
My wife picked up a copy on the bargain table for $5 at Chapters, but haven't had time to read it yet