View Full Version : My Red Eyed Crocodile Skink tank

03-10-19, 04:24 PM
40 gallon breeder with 3.5" deep eco earth on top of mesh and hydroballs layer with moss on top. The water section is almost 4" deep with easy access due to the rocks. Cork bark, and coconut hide, decorative plants and exist Terra water fall. This set up houses a male and a female. Temp on hot side is 80 degrees to 73 on the cool end. Humidity varies from 75 to 90%. Let me know what you think and any suggestions you may have.


03-13-19, 11:36 PM
Looks great! I've been thinking about getting a crocodile skink but I'm worried about being able to keep the humidity high enough. Do you find it difficult?

herp nerd
03-14-19, 06:08 AM
Wow! I think that's great! Some people keep crocodile skinks in a 10 gallon. I love the water. It looks amazing!

03-14-19, 01:14 PM
I like to give them a bit more room. Makes for a better temperature gradient and you can be a little more creative with the set up