View Full Version : New to dumerils

02-03-19, 11:34 PM
Hey everyone, just a couple of quick questions on my new critter. I recently got a year old female dumerils, shes about 2 foot long and has been great so far. I've had her for about a month now and she has eaten 3 meals since being with me, which is obviously a good thing. My only concern right now is she has never struck fed just drop feeding and I have to brain the mouse first at times in order for her to even do that. I know her feeding at all is a good thing no matter which way she does it. She does show interest in it while I have it in the tongs though (follows it and smells) but wont touch it until it's been sitting for 10 to 20 minutes. So I guess I'm wondering if im giving her too small a food source (adult mouse once every 7 days) or if there's something else that's causing this lack of interest. Shes in a 30 gallon tank at the moment with coconut fiber substrate, I use an under tank heater on one side hooked up to a digital thermometer set to 90 and the other is room temp (70) with plenty of places to hide and burrow. Decided to step up from ball pythons and rat snakes which have always been great eaters for me, just wanna make sure this is the way these guys are but everything I read about them before getting her has hinted otherwise. Anyways any feedback would be awesome, thanks in advance.