View Full Version : Red Eyed Crocodile Skink social behavior

01-30-19, 01:26 AM
I own a single male Red Eyed Crocodile Skink and understand they may be aggressive toward another of the same sex. My question is do they prefer to live in solitude or would the Skink be happiest with a female partner. I found very little on the internet regarding their social tendencies and any help would be greatly appreciated.

herp nerd
02-01-19, 07:26 AM
with most reptiles especially lizards they do best and are happiest being alone. I hope this info helps and your right, there is not many articles about that.

02-02-19, 05:14 PM
Thank you.

05-13-19, 05:40 AM
They are happy being alone or paired with a sex mate.

For example: a male can be kept with two or more females
A female can be kept with other females (as far as they are not pregnant)

A male should never be housed with another male. They'd fight till death.

Here is more read on these skinks: https://ecopetlife.com/red-eyed-crocodile-skink-care-info/