View Full Version : 20 long and 10!!!

01-21-19, 08:55 AM
Hi guys! I would like to go to the reptile expo in may and get a new reptile,but I'm having trouble deciding! Here are the requirments! I can get a 20L or a 10 for it,so it has to be able to live in one of those! It has to eat mostly insects or powder water diet because fresh food is to costly,but one meal of fresh a week would be fine. If it could eat mealworms that would be a plus,as I'm working on a colony! I would like to be able to handle it and have it get to know me,but if I can't that's ok. Size doesn't matter,and neither do care requirements! It would be cool if I could get a small group of them and start a breeding project,but that's optional. The lizard itself would have to cost under $100 dollars! Oh. Sigh. And NO snakes,my mom won't let me! I LOVE leos,and might get another,but I would kinda like something different! If I think of anything else I'll let ya know! Thanks!๐Ÿ˜

01-21-19, 05:00 PM
I don't know of any snakes or lizards that can live in a track that small. You'd need to have a larger cage.

01-21-19, 05:20 PM
Are you sure? My single Leo is in a 20L and I've researched many other lizards and geckos that are fine in a 10 or 20L! I was just seeing what you guys recommend. Any other recommendations? Thanks!

01-22-19, 07:18 AM
My two cents: find an animal ypur passionate about and get the appropriate enclosure. Don't get a pet just cause you have a $20 tank lying around.

01-22-19, 08:14 AM
Oh! No,no,no! I don't HAVE the tank,I'm just looking into another reptile and that's all I can fit in my room at the moment!(I share a room with my little sister) I think I might get another Leo. Can anyone tell me the prices of the following morphs? How much are the really nice orange tangerines? How much are sunglows? Super snows? I would never get a pet just because I have a tank! I've also been looking into fire skinks,but I'm pretty sure they would be happier in a 40B... Just like a Leos happier in a 20L then a 10. I currently have two 20L and two 10s plus a critter keeper in my room plus my sister's hamster cage. All are comfortable homes for my pets! I wanted to get a 40B for my future guy,but it really WON'T fit in my room. I'm not irresponsible,and would never get a pet to fill a tank just because I have it. If anyone has any actual suggestions,then please tell me them!

01-22-19, 12:32 PM
There are smaller lizards and geckos that could fit in a 20, but the issue is that they are more skittish and are not always tolerant of being handled. Would you be able to have an enclosure with the same footprint, but taller?

01-22-19, 02:59 PM
Hmmm... I'm not sure. I think I'll just get another leopard gecko,I want to breed them eventually just not now because I don't have money for everything right now! I would kind of like a crested gecko,could I keep one in ten turned on its side while it's young? I dunno,I've been bitten terribly by the Leo bug,and I think it's so deeply infected it might never cure.. Ha ha ha!๐Ÿ˜‚ I might get myself a pair of female Leos,and whatever I decide on I'll definitely post pics! And I might ask for name advice as well!!! So it's between more Leos or a crestie!!! Oh no.. My Leo just grinned at me.. I better end this post.. She's threatening me... No... She's demanding food... Oh no! LOL!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ !!!

01-22-19, 06:05 PM
I joined this forum after reading multiple threads and finding informative,helpful, answers and people. I sure didn't expect what I was going to get! Oh well...

herp nerd
01-23-19, 06:13 AM
If you don't want anything but a reptile I would say to get a bigger terrarium. You could house juvenile leopard geckos or small snake species for a little bit but then you would need to get a bigger tank. But you could keep A fire bellied toad in there at the minimum but its not recommended. But the African dwarf frog can tolerate a tank that size, but their aquatic. Good luck!

01-23-19, 08:03 AM
A group of mourning geckos could live in a small tank, like the ones you're talking about. However, you won't be handling them and they come with their own challenges. Do a lot of research first.

The following disadvantages are what I know from other mourning gecko keepers. They aren't the kind of pet you take out and handle. I don't have any yet because of they are tiny and the tank has to be incredibly secure. They can & will squeeze through tiny spaces. They're almost all (maybe all?) female but since they're parthenogenic they'll be reproducing anyway. So if you don't want to expand the colony you'll need to either find & destroy the eggs or find new homes for the babies. Still I'm intrigued by them and keep thinking about giving them a try.

01-23-19, 11:12 AM
Thanks for your helpful reply,kudzu! Yes,I've done extensive research on mourning geckos,viper geckos,crested geckos,leopard geckos(obviously!),and multiple none-geckos too! I do love mourning geckos,and it would be great to get babies all the time! Or maybe it wouldn't be! Ha ha!!! How long can a crested gecko live in a 10 gallon tank before it needs a larger one? Would I need to tip it on its side? This expo isn't for three months,and I only have $13 saved so far... Oh dear! What can I sell... So yeah,I have plenty of time to do extra research and save up enough for a comfortable tank and the gecker himself! I would have a 10 i could use temporarily for a baby cresty or Leo,but my hamsters split,so poo๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ! And I know exactly what you mean,I keep jumping back and forth on mournings too! LOL!

01-23-19, 07:43 PM
Thanks for your helpful reply,kudzu! Yes,I've done extensive research on mourning geckos,viper geckos,crested geckos,leopard geckos(obviously!),and multiple none-geckos too! I do love mourning geckos,and it would be great to get babies all the time! Or maybe it wouldn't be! Ha ha!!! How long can a crested gecko live in a 10 gallon tank before it needs a larger one? Would I need to tip it on its side? This expo isn't for three months,and I only have $13 saved so far... Oh dear! What can I sell... So yeah,I have plenty of time to do extra research and save up enough for a comfortable tank and the gecker himself! I would have a 10 i could use temporarily for a baby cresty or Leo,but my hamsters split,so poo๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ! And I know exactly what you mean,I keep jumping back and forth on mournings too! LOL!

One important thing to consider as a responsible pet owner is emergency vet money. So if you only have $13 it's probably best to wait a while before adding a new animal to your care.
Accidents happen. Animals need vets. It's OUR responsibility to be able to give them the care they need in an emergency and a vet visit can cost you a couple hundred bucks out of nowhere. So unless you have a few hundred bucks squirreled away besides that $13 it's probably not fair to the animals to take them in.

01-23-19, 09:30 PM
I have $13 to put toward buying the new guy right now. I make $15 a week starting in a few days,and I have an emergency fund in case lamps burn out or i need mite spray or something. My parents like my herps ok,especially my dad,and if anyone ever needed a vet and I didn't have quite enough,they would willingly drive me there and cover the extra cost. I would never get a pet if I didn't have money for it,so you don't have to worry! The only reason I only have $13 in my spend fund is because I just bought two hamsters and spent about $120 on them. I have plenty saved for emergencies and put half of everything I make in my emergency fund. I love my critters!๐Ÿ˜Š

01-24-19, 07:17 AM
I have $13 to put toward buying the new guy right now. I make $15 a week starting in a few days,and I have an emergency fund in case lamps burn out or i need mite spray or something. My parents like my herps ok,especially my dad,and if anyone ever needed a vet and I didn't have quite enough,they would willingly drive me there and cover the extra cost. I would never get a pet if I didn't have money for it,so you don't have to worry! The only reason I only have $13 in my spend fund is because I just bought two hamsters and spent about $120 on them. I have plenty saved for emergencies and put half of everything I make in my emergency fund. I love my critters!๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ

Awesome to hear!! Nice job!! Sounds like you're already acting more responsibly than many adults I see on forums (and meet in the real world, hahahaha).

I'm a snake guy, so won't be able to offer any species advice for your new pet, but I wish you the best! Good luck! I'll be excited to see what you choose.

01-24-19, 08:31 AM
Thank you!!! It's between a Leo and a Crestie! I don't know why,I just love both species!

01-24-19, 03:51 PM
Thank you!!! It's between a Leo and a Crestie! I don't know why,I just love both species!

Based on the little I know of the two species, crestie all day.
I had an African fire skink, he was super cool. But he unfortunately passed away after only about 6 months in my care. So I've decided to stick to what I know...snakes. hahaha

01-24-19, 09:01 PM
Definitely a snake. Maybe a garter or African house snake.

And NO snakes,my mom won't let me!


But, my mom used to say the same thing, about 35 years ago. But, by the time I was 8ish, I'd talked her into letting me keep ring necks inside. If you're interested in snakes, you might want to start educating your parents on how much easier they are to keep than most lizards.

But, my more serious answer would be an African fat tailed gecko.

01-24-19, 09:38 PM
Sorry guys. No snakes. I tried. Corns,Kenya sand boas,rough greens,nope. Legless lizards. Nope. So it's either a fire skink,crested gecko or another Leopard gecko. I like the fire skinks a LOT and even my mom thinks their pretty. What's their average lifespan? I've never had a crestie but they are really cute and pretty handlable. I have a leopard gecko and she's great. Spazzy and unpredictable,but great. I'm not afraid of being bitten,my Leo has lashed out a few times and the worst bite was like hard pinch. She's only bitten three times on purpose though. Are fire skink bites bad?

01-24-19, 10:24 PM
Leos are great! There are also african fat tailed geckos which are similar, I think. Do you like frogs? Some frogs could work as well, but of course you don't really handle them much.

If you can get a 20L or a 10, get the 20L. I think that would be a good size for a leopard gecko. I personally have a 20L turned vertical, and my crested gecko seems content in there for now. I have lots and lots of vines and plants to keep him comfy in there.

If you decide to go with the 10 gallon, do you like bugs? There are some neat bugs that make interesting and fun pets as well. walking sticks, praying mantises, giant hissing cockroaches, millipedes, tarantulas....the list goes on

Whatever you decide on, have fun! Herps are a great hobby that you can keep doing for life.

01-25-19, 07:18 AM
In not allowed tarantulas or cockroaches or anything "creepy" like that. I do like amphibians,I have a blue spotted salamander and one red eft newt at the moment. I really like pacman frogs,but I'm worried I'll get one and then regret it because they don't do anything. Do you guys enjoy your pacman frogs,if you have any? Salamanders are adorable and I LOVE them! Tigers,fires,red backs,caves,marbled,and the list goes on... I want a pacman frog,but the above is the issue. Ugh.

01-25-19, 07:24 AM
What about long tailed grass lizards? I like those a lot. How many could i keep in a 20L?

01-25-19, 01:45 PM
Are you sure? My single Leo is in a 20L and I've researched many other lizards and geckos that are fine in a 10 or 20L! I was just seeing what you guys recommend. Any other recommendations? Thanks!

Are you sure you're not confusing liters with gallons? 20L is 5 US gallons which is a very small tank. Many people will keep lizards in 10g tanks but not adults in 5.

01-25-19, 02:26 PM
No. It's a 20L as in a 20 gallon Long tank. 30x12x12. 30 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.

01-25-19, 02:45 PM
No. It's a 20L as in a 20 gallon Long tank. 30x12x12. 30 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.

Oh I thought you meant a 20 liter tank. A crested would be okay in one if turned on end.

01-25-19, 04:00 PM
I should have noticed that error though! I never use anything besides gallons and have no idea what anything is in liters! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I think I may get a pacman frog.... There are THREE at my closest petco and all of them are 4-5 inches in diameter,and they have been there SO long that they where $40 and now they are down to $6! Poor guys. I kind of want to start with a tiny baby though....(Feels guilty๐Ÿ˜ณ) There are always crickets crawling all over them..... I've wanted a pacman for SO long,but have always ended up getting something else. I think it might be time to take the plunge! I would love to be able to feed it pinkys,earthworms,super worms(with crushed heads),and everything else! How long would a 17x9 inch enclosure last a quarter sized baby? Eeee! Gets way too excited!๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

01-25-19, 04:02 PM
I don't have any frog experience. I'm mostly a snake guy.

Just an FYI a male hognose would fit just fine in a 20 long. Hardly notice a little worm burrowing under the bedding.

01-25-19, 05:22 PM
I wouldn't use a 20 long for an adult crestie. It's too short in it's normal orientation and too narrow if set on end. If you want to use a repurposed aquarium, a standard 20 would seem a better choice. A baby would be fine in a 10 for a little while but not that long.

01-25-19, 06:13 PM
Sigh... I WISH I could get a snake. They are SO awesome but I'm positive my Mom won't let me. One time last year or two years ago a little northern red bellied snake climbed up our laundry tub drain. At the same time,I had one in a plastic terrarium outside on our porch. Don't worry it was nice out and I would put half in the sun in the morning and it was in the shade the rest of the time. Anyway,my mom had JUST left like ten minutes ago to go grocery shopping when my older brother came and got me. He seemed... Un-amused about something. Anyway he brings me to the laundry tub and says: "Why did you put your snake in the laundry tub?" I said I didn't and SHOWED him my snake chilling in my terrarium. Ha ha, take that bro! So I went and took the little guy out of the laundry tub and have him some fresh water and an earthworm in a spare terrarium.(poor guy smelled like soap) My mom came home and was SUPER freaked that a snake has been in her house. She seriously said she was going to burn the house down. She was soooo grossed out. Honestly I was the only person in my family of seven who wasn't disturbed or grossed out by the news! Ha ha!!! I wish I could just get ONE snake... And then there where twenty! Ha ha,I wish! What's the least snake like snake? One that might seem "ok" to my mom? A cutesy one? All snakes are adorable,but one that would appeal to my mom? And then there was a way!

01-26-19, 09:42 AM
I'm getting one of the following:Crested gecko,leopard gecko,fire skink,pacman frog,marbled salamander or any type of salamander and maybe some type of snake if my mom approves? So far too pick is pacman frog! We will see how many more times I change my mind!๐Ÿ˜‚

01-26-19, 08:30 PM
Show her some cute hognose videos. Women seem to love hognose snakes.

01-26-19, 09:13 PM
I asked if I could get a hognose and she asked what it was. Rats! I wasn't gonna lie,and told her it was snake... Of course she said no. I will show show her some pics and videos tomorrow! They are quickly becoming my favorite snake!๐Ÿ˜€ How long do they get tops?

01-27-19, 10:00 AM
I have a male hognose, he's awesome! He's almost fully grown at about 18". Females get much larger than males. They are really cool little snakes, but they can be really stubborn with feeding, especially males.

It's also very important to know that they are rear fanged and mildly venomous. So do your homework. Fortunately, they almost NEVER bite. They bluff like crazy, and strike with their mouths closed, but very, very rarely bite. They also have an extremely poor delivery system, so would need to latch on and chew in order to effectively release toxins. People who have sensitivities to bee stings and things like that can have some bad reactions, but most people just experience a little swelling.

Although I love hognose, it may not be the best choice for your situation.

01-27-19, 11:57 AM
Hmmmm... Mildly venomous,huh? Well,that's to bad. That probably won't work then. Any other snakes you recommend?

01-27-19, 02:49 PM
Hmmmm... Mildly venomous,huh? Well,that's to bad. That probably won't work then.

i wouldn't lead with that... remember, sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission :D

01-27-19, 04:37 PM
Haha! That's so funny!!!๐Ÿ˜‚ But I showed my mom pics and videos of the lil hognose and she still said no. Oh well. That will be the first thing I get when I move out! LOL!!๐Ÿ˜‚! But I know where your coming from with the forgiveness thing,because I'm not telling my mom how big pacman frogs get if I get one!๐Ÿ˜ˆ Or that I would like to feed it a f\t pinky one day... Or that they actually bite,and that's one of the reasons I want one! Do you like pacmans? If you got a frog would you get one?

01-28-19, 08:31 AM
My two cents: don't add anything til you move out. Then you won't have restrictions and can get the animal you REALLY want rather than just filling a tank within somebody else's guidelines.

01-28-19, 09:13 PM
That's true. I suppose you have a point,but I won't be moving out for at LEAST five years,and that's a long time! I would like to get more into caudates or lizards though,and would really like some marbled salamanders! But I've only seen three salamanders in pet stores in my life,two marbled salamanders in just pets,one spotted salamander in just pets and tiger salamanders in pet supplies plus. I like that I can handle geckos though,and you see them a lot more. Anyone have caudates?

01-29-19, 01:27 PM
I promise you I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but something to think about is WHERE you'll be moving. If you have college plans, most dorms don't allow pets. Many apartments don't allow pets. Many roommates don't want to live with reptiles.

Just something to think about. I had to rehome my animals years ago (for personal reasons I'd be happy to share if you'd like) and let me tell you...that was HORRIBLE!!! I just don't want to see that happen to you and your animals.

01-29-19, 07:18 PM
Yeah,I know,and your replies DO make a lot of sense and make me think about things in different ways. So thank you for that!๐Ÿ˜Š And nope,no college plans and no plans on moving til I'm married!!! Thanks for making me think,I think I'll hold off for now unless I (accidentally of course!๐Ÿ˜†) fall for something at the expo!!! I will spoil my current pets,especially my two hamsters because their life span is way too short.๐Ÿ˜ข Buuttt,if I did get mourning geckos in the future,what size terrarium would you recommend,and how many could fit in it max? Just wondering when I would have to start rehoming babies. Thank you!

01-29-19, 11:27 PM
Ultimately, you're the only one who knows if now is a good time for you to add a new pet. I'm not at all saying you shouldn't.

I can't help you with the info on the geckos, I know next to nothing about them.

01-30-19, 11:47 AM
Going just on what I've read, it seems 12"L x 12"W x 18"H is a standard size for 4-6 mourning geckos. You can set your 10 gallon on end and add glass or acrylic front. (By front I mean what would have been the top in normal orientation.) There's plenty of info online, including videos, of DIY tank conversions. If you want to keep the babies you'll have to expand into that 20 long.

If you're handy, or just interesting in trying a project, you could actually use some acrylic sheets and silicone and fab a height extension for either your 10 g or 20 g L, boosting those to 18" or more inches tall.

Mourning geckos do need a good bit of humidity so a screen top would be a challenge. There are ways around that, but most seem to feel glass or acrylic is a much easier solution.

01-30-19, 02:07 PM
Thank you! And I am aware of high humidity,but that's not too new because I keep salamanders. Would a 20 high be ok too?

01-31-19, 09:05 AM
Sure, 20" high would work. And if you've got the space, might as well go for 24".

For babies, shorter might be better. Though that's just speculation on my part.

01-31-19, 11:33 AM
Thanks! Do you guys know why I haven't gotten any replies on either of my questions on pangea? What do you mean by 24" ?

02-04-19, 11:06 AM
I have another question. Please do not bash,say it's too small for everything. For my 10-11 year old cousins birthday last year I got her a 5.5 zilla critter terrarium,eco earth and a sloped hermit crab water dish. What amphibians\reptiles can live in there? She wanted a salamander but then she kind of wanted a gecko so that she could handle it. I'm not completely sure,but I think snakes are an option. So please list reptiles\amphibians that she can keep in there! I've already looked into hermit crabs,but they need at least a ten gallon,so please help me out!