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01-11-19, 05:58 PM
Hi,people! I have a female leopard gecko named nubs,an eastern newt (red eft)and a blue spotted salamander!(I have more,but they are not herps) My little brother also has a leopard gecko!(Male) Anyway,I'm happy to be here and FINALLY meet some more reptile\amphibian lovers!!! By the way,has anyone had experience with pacman frogs?😊

01-13-19, 01:50 PM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

I don't keep pac man frogs yet, but I've heard good things about them. If you or your brother need any help, feel free to let us know.

01-13-19, 04:36 PM
Thank you! I haven't had frogs yet,so I would like to get some! I would LOVE a snake,but my mom has made it clear that it won't happen in her house! No iguanas either! Hee hee!�� Are northern blue tongue skunks expensive to keep\feed?

01-17-19, 10:31 AM
When is the next reptile expo in wisconsin? Hoping to bring home some VIPER GECKOS!!!! How are of an enclosure is needed for a trio of females? A five gallon for one male is fine right? I would also like another leo,but I'm very interested in breeding vipers! So if I get to go to one,here's the list:2-3 female and 1 male viper gecko! One leopard gecko and one arboreal alligator lizard! Ha ha! Most likely i will only be allowed one of the above three,but a girl can dream,right! The vipers are what I'm most hopeful for!! How much are alligator lizards? How much are Viper geckos? Thanks!

01-17-19, 01:14 PM
Welcome to the forum!

I live nowhere near Wisconsin, but a quick Google search showed that there should be one in April. You can also keep up with the Repticon schedule to see if they are going near you anytime soon.

Also, you may want to create a thread in the appropriate sub-forums for more specific advice.

01-17-19, 08:45 PM
Ummmm. Do abronia grominea REALLY cost AT LEAST $200 for ONE!😱 Or is the internet messing with me?

01-17-19, 11:05 PM
I created a Viper Gecko thread,but seriously,do arboreal alligator lizards really cost at least $200 a piece?

01-18-19, 08:27 AM
I've never looked into keeping them, so I have no idea. If you're shocked that they cost that much, don't go any further down the rabbit hole. Some species/morphs can get crazy expensive.

01-18-19, 09:22 AM
Thanks! I'm not shocked,I was just hoping they where not that expensive because I just bought two roborovski hamsters 2-3 months ago and spent $120 dollars! I should have gotten a new herp! Well,long story short,I am now broke!😭 But,my pair of hamsters split so I now I can get another 20L! Ha ha! More tanks=More Herps! Hmmm. I have a few months before the show i plan to go to... Frantically starts selling stuff! Thanks guys! I started a dog walking business and starting in a week i will be making $15 a week,$60 a month! Hmmm. Not bad! Now I need bunk beds so I can fit more tanks! I share a room with my little sister.😑 Inspiration! If I get a big enough awesome enough lizard she won't want to share a room with me! Mwah ha ha!!😈