View Full Version : How to handle wild snakes?

01-02-19, 06:58 PM
I'm a beginner to handling snakes and have only recently begin to take interest.I would like some background knowledge on how to handle wild snakes for the future. I have made sure to recognize the venemous snakes in my area. I've noticed some people on YouTube videos pick them up by their tail and others grab from the middle. What's the best way to pick them up?
Also I really admire hognose snakes would they make a good first snake? I've heard corn snakes are usually the go to but hognoses are so adorable

01-03-19, 09:18 AM
Welcome to both the forum and the hobby!

First off, I just want to emphasize how important it is to correctly identify wild snakes before handling them. I understand that you feel confident in your identification skills, but as a beginner, always be cautious. Many species can look similar and might confuse someone who doesn't have a lot of experience.

With that being said, there are a couple ways to go about handling snakes. You must understand that if you make a habit out of handling wild snakes, you will get bit. Some prefer to use the method of grabbing them by the head with one hand, and supporting the body with the other - this is so they don't bite you. I don't like this method. I feel that it is already enough stress on the snake to pick them up, and grabbing them behind the head and holding them like that is over the top (especially when doing it "just for fun"). I prefer to just pick up the snakes and let them do their thing. If they bite me, I just take that as a consequence of handling them. The most important thing is to support the body, just as if you were handling a pet snake. You don't want to hurt them. To be clear, I'm only referring to nonvenomous snakes here.

Many people use snake hooks or tongs. This is a less hands on approach, but minimizes your chances of being bitten. There's the old hook-and-tail method where you support the body with the hook, and gently hold the tail with your other hand.

All of my advice comes with this disclaimer though: I do not recommend handling venomous snakes. People do it. I've done it (and still do sometimes). There are ways to do it, but you can't learn how to properly/safely handle them from reading on the internet or watching youtube videos. It's not worth putting your life in danger just so you can say you held a venomous snake.

Western Hognoses are great pet snakes. Do your research, and that would make a good first snake.

Best of luck. If you have anymore questions on this subject, I'd be more than happy to answer to the extent I can. Also, what state are you located in?

01-03-19, 01:00 PM
Hognoses can be a PITA to get to feed regularly...at least in my experience.

01-03-19, 02:04 PM
It generally takes some practice to learn to handle wild snakes freely without getting bitten often. You'll still get bitten. Grabbing and forcefully restraining them is the fastest way to get bitten. As Bandit said, restraining them behind the head is stressful and makes them think they're going to be eaten. I did that when I was a kid, but eventually learned better ways of handling. And, honestly, there is usually no need to handle a wild snake. Look at it, watch it, and let it go on its way. Although I get the appeal of picking them up, and still do it myself often.

Hognoses are cool snakes, I suppose. They're very popular, especially with females, it seems. I suspect it's their "cute" noses. That said, once I get the last two of my baby hognoses eating reliably and sell them, I'll be done with hogs. Just not my cup of tea.