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03-04-03, 07:12 PM
Im looking for step by step instructions, on how to breed mealworms and kingworms on a massive scale, you would think the internet would have something on this, but it has come up empty, can someone help me out? Thanks, Kris bakerboy77@shaw.ca

03-06-03, 02:52 PM
Well, start off with 2000-3000 mealworms (really large scale) and put them in a large rubbermaid, with about a 5.4 ratio (by volume) Bran. Put a peeled apple or carrot in there about 6 hours after the last one was eaten, or replace it after 36 hours if it isn't eaten. A few times a day (or once... whatever) spend about 30 minutes searching for Pupae ( I get about 10 a day from my 300 mealies, I stoped breeding so many...) and put them in a small glass jar (lidless, or with ventilation). When the pupa hatch, take the beetles out, and put them in a small rubbermaid, with a few inches of bran, adn a few tolet paper rolls for hides, and a peice of clean cork for egg laying, and but in a small slice of apple or carrot whenever the last peice is eaten. Once a month, move AALLLL the beetles to a different cage, or a small jar, etc. and empty the substrate and the cork into the mealworm cage. every 3-4 months, right before you put the new babie mealies in, put everything through a VERY fine screen, to get the old food out, and keep the mealworms in. then, blow accross the top of it all (outside) to get rid of the old skin sheds, then put all the mealworms in the cage, and add new bran... This method works with almsot any amount of mealworms.
Hope that works for ya,
Dan Conner

03-06-03, 03:07 PM
Good lord! Crickets are so much easier :)

03-06-03, 10:32 PM
Ok, that sounds WAY more complicated thnan it is... hahaha
Dan Conner