View Full Version : Associating my hand with feeding(??)

12-29-18, 10:42 PM
Hi all,

I got my first ball python a few weeks ago, and am having a hard time adjusting to his habits(because I'm used to corn snakes). After letting him acclimate for a week or so, I tried handling him for the first time and he ended up biting me. It shocked me at first because ball pythons are notoriously docile snakes, but I believe he associates me with food for the following reasons((of course, correct me if I'm wrong!)):

He didn't strike at me at all, only nosed my hand and began to bite and wrapped around it. After this incident, the next time I handled him I used gloves and he was absolutely fine. I'm thinking it's because of the foreign texture and the lack of warmth. He doesn't strike at me when I pick him up.

I've started using gloves for the last couple weeks, but if I'm right, I want to know what I can do. I'm hoping, if I'm right, I can break this habit because he's still young.

I'll put my husbandry details just in case it's relevant:

Currently in a 20 gallon long tank, around 60% humidity, temperature gradient around 75-85%. Using forest floor substrate.

Thank you for your time.

12-30-18, 06:46 AM
Assuming you didn't have any prey scent on your hands when it bit you, here are some thoughts...consider the following:

-reaching in from top, large heat signature form your hands, young snakes may react defensively.

-use a smallish cage hook to initiate the first contact with animal. no heat signature to make them skittish and they don't associate the hook w food.

-use tongs to present the food, thereby removing the hand issues.

-*if* you did have any prey scent on your hands, wash them.

-lastly, sometimes little/young snakes are jerks and they bite.

herp nerd
12-30-18, 08:11 AM
If he is biting you and he thinks you are food my best advice is to just pick him up and if he bites you dont put him away and just hold him until he stops. And also like MDT said make sure you wash your hands after feeding time and before holding your python.

good luck

12-30-18, 03:21 PM
Thanks so much! I haven't used tongs as much as I should be, I'll start doing that. I usually wash my hands well but will check up as well.

Thanks again!