View Full Version : New guy

12-21-18, 08:03 PM
Found a baby garter snake while sweeping up at work yesterday, have no idea how to care for it, but it's too cold to turn it loose. Any help to save ghis little one would be appreciated.

12-26-18, 04:50 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs!! :D

Wow...unplanned parenthood!

A whole laundry list of things, after you visit your local pet store, will help you keep it alive if you really want to:
Depending on how large it is, a 5-10gal tank, an under-the-tank heater (UTH) or a ceramic-heating-element (CHE), a thermostat (may have to buy on-line), paper towels, water dish, an overturned small box (or cave/hide from local pet store). For food...if it's small enough, earthworms or nightcrawlers (a calcium powder will be necessary for calcium intake) are a good start, and then you can work up to pinky mice (newborn/online suppliers) until you let it go. Temps are 72-88F (night/day). A cheap thermostat will require you to adjust the temps in the morning and night, or an electronic version ($$) will do it automatically and ramp up/down the temperatures.

12-26-18, 09:19 PM

The other poster pretty much covered it. I keep my baby garters in a 10 gallon with small plastic pots turned over with a hole cut in the side for hides. One on the hot side and one on the cool side. A water dish and a big plastic plant used for fish tanks to add extra security. I usually lay one end of the plant on top of the hot hide so the snake has some height to choose from when it’s basking under the heat bulb.

I use a mini halogen heat/UVB bulb from Zilla(I think?) connected to a rheostat (temperature controller), which is really important but also probably the most expensive thing you’ll have to buy.

I stick that rubbery window stripping on the underside of the screen lid bc babies are tiny and can easily find a way out of the gaps.

Good luck, and let’s see a photo!