View Full Version : Feeding yearling Russian rat snake?

12-18-18, 05:23 PM
My Russian rat snake is a year old now. Until now he has been fed twice a week. Am wondering when the appropriate time is to switch him to weekly feedings. His metabolism seems at least as high as my Brooks kingsnake & possibly faster. If memory serves, and mine too often does not, it was close to this age when I transitioned my kingsnake to weekly feedings.

Anyone have any advice on feeding schedule for a yearling, very active colubrid?

EL Ziggy
12-27-18, 04:54 PM
I don't keep rat snakes, but I have kept kings, and I have a couple of bull snakes that have pretty fast metabolisms. If he's a year weekly feedings should be perfect. I usually space out the feedings for my colubrids to every 7-10 days after their first year and then to bi-weekly feedings after year two.