View Full Version : Help! Snakes scales looking poor

12-16-18, 10:17 PM
I'm new to this forum and my VBB has some poor looking scales on her neck. They look dry and darkened after her last shed (which was a bad one)
I've had this problem one other time with my MBK where she had a bad shed and some of her scales were looking bad. After my MBK shed again, the scales had come off completely. Im afraid my VBB will loose some scales next time she sheds. What is this?? And how can I fix it?

12-18-18, 01:02 PM
Sounds like a humidity problem especially if you are having multiple bad sheds. What are your setups like? Temps, humidity? How are you measuring them both?

Jim Smith
12-18-18, 03:39 PM
Is there any chance that the snake(s) are becoming dehydrated or perhaps your heat source is too hot? What type of heat source are you using?

01-08-19, 07:03 PM
Thank you everyone! The issue has been fixed. It indeed was a humidity problem. Ive switched to a different bedding and provide a humidity box at all times. Her scales are looking much better after a recent shed and none were lost.