View Full Version : Candoia carniata Paulsoni

12-06-18, 04:45 PM
Does anyone own a Pacific boa (Candoia Carniata Paulsoni)? If yes, I want to know please if it’s a shy snake? does it keep hiding? What is the difference in behavior between it and ball python? Does it stop eating?

12-07-18, 07:14 AM
If I was a small snake like that, I'd be hiding too...0.5-0.6m in length.

Since it's arboreal, do you have any tree branches in the enclosure?

If it's like my juvenile WLP or my Dominican RMB, it won't come out except at night--those two snakes are never out during the day...well, except for feeding days, but then only out at dusk.

12-07-18, 08:50 AM
Scuba, out of curiosity, would that be perches with good cover? Presumably if the snake is hiding it would prefer branches that offer the security of a lot of cover, but maybe I'm mistaken.

[Just asking because I keep thinking of getting an arboreal species.]

12-10-18, 05:46 PM
Just go to your local arts & crafts store, Michael's for example, and get some fake vines to wrap around the limbs and string from limb to limb. Then get some zip ties, and a good set of zip tie cutters (to cut flush and leave no sharp edges--they're beveled), to finish things off.

Scuba, out of curiosity, would that be perches with good cover? Presumably if the snake is hiding it would prefer branches that offer the security of a lot of cover, but maybe I'm mistaken.

[Just asking because I keep thinking of getting an arboreal species.]