View Full Version : Viv Too Cold

12-06-18, 02:38 PM
I have a 40 gallon, bioactive tank for my california kingsnake. There are live plants, springtails, and isopods.

She is about a year old, 25-26 inches, the humidity is normal. The thermostat is set to 85 degrees.

The vivarium is too cold. The cold side is about 65-67^fahrenheit at any given time, and the warm side is about 75. Room temperature is about 65^F

There is a CHE and a heat pad. She is constantly smooshing herself against the glass where the heat pad is, and is not eating bc she is too cold. Given, the room is cold and the house does not have central air - no heating. Fine for humans, bad for the snake, tarantulas, and detrivores.

How do I make it warmer? I would have thought a CHE and heat pad combined would be enough.

12-06-18, 03:15 PM
Well, it's important to understand that your UTH is there solely to provide a hot spot and not for ambient temps. So you're relying solely on your CHE.

You may need to buy a higher wattage CHE.

Another thing you can do is wrap the back and sides of the enclosure in 1/2" foam board insulation. I do this with all my glass enclosures. It helps immensely with heat and humidity control as well as allows your equipment to run more efficiently and save on your electric bill.