View Full Version : what morph is this? (and other questions)

12-03-18, 09:51 PM
hi, I just bought a female ball python from a show but I can’t remember the name of her morph... anyone got any ideas?

also, i’m planning on putting her in ecoearth coconut fiber, but do I need to wait for it to dry out completely 100% before putting it in the tank?

what’s the max humidity for a ball python? i’m having trouble keeping mine down, I even tried a screen lid and it’s still 70+

and any advice on heating? I have a under tank heat mat and a space heater in my room but the temp won’t budge past 70

sorry if these are dumb questions...

12-19-18, 02:16 PM
Gorgeous ball python! If I had to guess looks like a pastel morph.
55-60% humidity is ideal for your ball python, you might want to try switching to a different bedding that doesn't hold and absorb too much water like coconut fiber does.
For heating you should really get a powerful day bulb and night bulb for your ball python. Keep the heating pad to create a warm spot. You should have a basking spot for her that is around 88 degrees (F) to around 96 degrees (F). The rest of the tank should be around 78-80 degrees (F) allow cooler spots for your snake as well so she can thermoregulate as she pleases. At night and using a night bulb the temperature should drop down to 75 degrees (F).
I would also be careful using loose coconut fiber as a bedding. There are lots of mixed reviews about it. Some people to stay away from it entirely and some say its fine as long as you use the proper precautions. If you are for sure going to use it as a bedding, do not feed your snake on it! You don't want her ingesting the stuff during feeding, so at least have part of the tank covered in a different, less dusty bedding for her to feed on.
I hope this was helpful!

12-26-18, 04:59 PM
Skip the light at night...get a CHE (ceramic heating element). yes, there is moonlight, but the red light is excessive light and it can mess up their behavior...using a CHE avoids the light altogether.

I Use a cypress (forest floor) and eco earth (coco) mixture (1:3) to keep the humidity up and I never really worry about ingestion. If you're really worried, use a mixture at one end and then just cypress at the other. Keep your prey dry and they won't pick up a lot when eating.

12-27-18, 02:10 PM
1. It's a bumblebee (nice example of it)

2. Whatever substrate you use is fine. I don't have it soaked but I do dampen it so some moisture shouldn't be an issue.