View Full Version : letting my BP roam

03-04-03, 04:17 PM
Okay, this is kinda a stupid question. I feel bad for my BP because I don't really take her out as often as I should. I love it when she hangs out on my arm or my neck, but a lot of times she just wants to take off.

That's fine, I don't mind monitoring her, but I get worried that she will pee or excrete those whitish yellow things on my carpet. Two times when I had her out she did that. One time in a corner, and once ON ME!! Was it just dumb luck? Bad timing? Well it has me scarred, so much that I get hesitant to let her roam (and she seems to like it SO much).

She did not seem scared or panicked when she did it. I almost think she just did not want to do it in her tank. I dont suppose there is any way of training them, so how does everyone else deal with this (or do you?)

One time my Rosy did that to me while he was on me while I was in bed....why? why?

03-04-03, 04:20 PM
A lot of times the movement just stimulates them to evacuate their systems. Hope this helped ;)

03-04-03, 04:59 PM
Never had that happen to me before, but maybe put newspaper down and let her roam around on that so that if she does mess, its easy to clean up?

03-04-03, 05:08 PM
You mean your snakes aren't potty trained yet?!?!?!? ;)

03-04-03, 05:34 PM
No, I must be a bad Mommy, my snakes arent potty trained yet.

So if this is a common reaction to being let out, then what do you guys usually do?? I find it incredibly hard to get that smell out of the carpet. Do you guys let your snakes wander on your beds? Or are you all just so desensitized to this that it's not a big deal? I'm the least anal person I know when it comes to housekeeping, and I still am perterbed by this.

03-04-03, 07:42 PM
You can let them roam around when you see she went? I doubt she'd go twice in a row.

03-04-03, 10:05 PM
Just don't let him/her get the taste of freedom lol.A lot of times my suri tasted freedom and man he just doesn't want to get picked up he will hiss, lash do everything just to escape !

03-05-03, 01:10 AM
How about soaking her first? Mine go to the bathroom everytime they get in the tub, then once its over and done with it should be safe.

03-05-03, 07:30 PM
Just get a large supply of Fabreeze.

03-05-03, 07:45 PM
I am the most anal person when it comes to clean.....but this just happens sometimes! But when I get mine out I normaly keep ahold of em! I handle alot and they love being out, but I dont let let just run around!

My cams are the only one that I let be out of there enclosurs for a period of time and they harldly leave there plant when they are out!

03-06-03, 05:31 AM
I would be careful with the Fabreeze suggestion. I also have a Timneh Grey Parrot and this stuff is known to be FATAL to birds. For herps I don't know but better safe then sorry until you can confirm this with a vet. With birds it affects their respiratory and nervous systems. Just my .02


03-07-03, 03:07 AM
Never had this problem. I have yet to see my ball pythons poop period. It's just a baby and I have not seen it's big pile of stinky POOP yet. So Mine is good. I let it go around on my bed too. No problem. But yeah. Wierd snakes.