View Full Version : Hello friends!

11-03-18, 01:24 PM
Hey guys! Just thought I'd introduce myself and my scale buddy here. :D

I'm new to snake keeping. A california kingsnake hatchling unexpectedly fell into my hands sometime last year and I've been really enjoying learning with the little guy (or girl?). He was injured from his previous owners' cat, and was quite stressed in the beginning. I had a hell of a time getting him to eat at first, and was really worried he wasn't going to make it. In my desperation, I set up a big 36 long bioactive terrarium (had done so for my other reptiles/fish) for him with tons of places to hide and explore, lots of plants to slither under. As natural and close to a wild habitat as possible so that he could feel comfy and safe.

That's when he finally ate (after 4 or 5 months), and I don't think I've ever been so grateful, lol! He's been doing amazing healthwise but since I left him be so much in the beginning, he isn't fond of being handled much now. Since I decided to replant his big bioactive, I now have him in a large bin temporarily, and have been handling him daily, which he's totally chill about. I just think the big tank gave him too many places to tunnel away to, so anytime I'd come around he'd hide himself and just stick his head out for a mouse. Hoping to get him used to being handled a bit more before I put him back in there, so any tips on this are grately appreciated!
I am so looking forward to learning everything I can to make his life great and dandy!
Thanks for having me, guys!

11-05-18, 07:45 PM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

Try not to handle the snake TOO much, and be sure to include some thermostats in the cage, if you haven't already. :)

11-06-18, 06:27 AM
Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of snake keeping!!

Congrats on a successful adventure with your first snake! Cal Kings are some of my favorites and were the snakes that got me started in this hobby back in 1999-2000ish.
My boy, Django is an awesome snake and my favorite snake I've ever kept.

Congrats on getting him turned around. Now that he's eating consistently he'll likely be a garbage disposal like most Kings.

As for the handling, I think you're on the right track. Handling daily us a good idea, just keep the handling sessions short for now, 15 minutes or so at most.
Just be sure to give him AT LEAST 24 hours to digest after eating without handling. You've come a long way and don't want a regurgitation to set things back.

How much does the snake weigh? What size prey are you feeding? How often?

11-11-18, 01:56 AM
Welcome to sSNAKESs! :D

Good luck w/your King!

11-11-18, 05:31 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs! Pics when you get a chance .... actually I need to do that too haha