View Full Version : Hello

10-30-18, 10:21 PM
I am not only brand new to the forum, but I have also never owned any reptiles, though I have always wanted a snake. I have 7-year-old twins who have shown interest in having a snake so I thought this was a good time to get started. The only issue standing in our way is my wife who doesn't want a snake in the house and I live by the old rule "Happy Wife...Happy Life". Even with this going against me, I am confident the twins and I can overcome this obstacle.

I have been researching the best snake to start with and after a lot of research, I have decided on a Kenyan Sand Boa. I think the fact that it won't grow excessively big will be a selling point for my wife and good for the kids. I'm sure everyone has an opinion, but I am pretty set on this decision, though I will always listen to reason.

My last decision is deciding if I want to set up a Bioactive terrarium or just a regular set up. Once I decide my goal is to have all the equipment I need in the next three months, I can then find a snake.

I look forward to being a member of this forum and learning from all of you.
I am sure I can get some great advice and really get into this new hobby with both feet!

Take Care,

11-02-18, 06:34 PM
Welcome! I’m a newbie as well.

Sounds like a challenge, but I wish you and the twins the best. Some major selling points of snakes that might win your wife over: easiest pet ever, no fur over the floor and furniture, no poop in the yard, no allergens, don’t track mess into the house, quiet, cheap to feed, cheap to keep.

People have an irrational fear of snakes, so it might help if she could make contact with one at a local science museum, nature center or pet store.

I think a garter snake could be a great option. They stay small, are out during the day and make great display animal, they are interested in YOU and will watch you from inside their enclosure, they do well in a nice bioactive setup with attractive plants, beautiful color morphs is something might be especially appealing to your wife. (I have an orange and black garter.) AND they don’t eat mice!

Good luck!

11-07-18, 02:34 PM

I tried to respond to this a while back, but my comment was put on hold pending approval since I'm new. I'm going to try again, since my original message hasn't been posted yet.

I'm new to snakes myself. I keep two garter snakes, which I think are great snakes because they don't grow too large and can subsist on worms and fish if you don't want to feed rodents. I know you're set on the sand boa, which is totally cool, but I just had to put my vote in for garters, which come in all kinds of cool color morphs (in addition to all kinds of very cool naturally occurring subspecies and color phases/morphs). Mine are out and active during the day, which is a huge plus in adding life and intrigue to a pet, and they actually WATCH ME from inside their cage. They are curious little creatures.

A few snake selling points for your wife: easiest pet on the planet (within reason, of course), doesn't need to be fed every day, can't track in dirt/rain/snow, doesn't make a peep of sound and very allergy friendly.

I have both of my garters in separate tanks at the moment until the small one catches up with the big one in size and they can be cohabitated (ok for garters). I keep them on newspaper, but plan to get them into a bioactive setup once they can live together, and once they've tamed down a bit.

Good luck!

11-07-18, 10:13 PM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

You've made a decent choice for a first snake. Feel free to let us know if you need help with anything.

11-11-18, 01:29 AM
Welcome to sSNAKESs!! :D

11-12-18, 10:55 PM
Thanks MnGuy, I did think about a Garter snake and thanks for the input.

11-12-18, 10:56 PM
Sorry, I am still learning about replies, I want to thank all of you for the welcome and glad I found the site.