View Full Version : Hello!

10-07-18, 09:39 PM
Coco has been living with us since September 2018. I always wanted a snake and when I went to Pet Smart, I met Coco (his/her name was Striker there through). The cage was too small for Coco obviously and he/she was free due to the fact that Coco outgrew their cage and was striking the staff. He was eating 2 fuzzies every week.
I bought a 20 gallon- tank and Coco went home with me. 1 month later, Coco is not biting anymore (just twice the first week as I was giving him bath for the tail as he had multiple sheds stuck on it). He shed two weeks after I adopted him, an incomplete shed. He just shed, a complete one, today, end of tail included. I had trouble feeding him first, I added some heating pad in his tank and gave him pinkies. He is now back to fuzzies.
I measured his shed: 22 inches and after eating 3 fuzzies yesterday (he did not eat last week), pooping today, he weighs 62 grams.
I don't know how old he is or if Coco is a male or a female,but I am glad that he is not in a small tank anymore!

10-09-18, 03:43 PM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

I'm glad to hear you're off to a decent start with Coco. What kind of snake is (s)he?

10-09-18, 04:19 PM
Coco has been living with us since September 2018. I always wanted a snake and when I went to Pet Smart, I met Coco (his/her name was Striker there through). The cage was too small for Coco obviously and he/she was free due to the fact that Coco outgrew their cage and was striking the staff. He was eating 2 fuzzies every week.
I bought a 20 gallon- tank and Coco went home with me. 1 month later, Coco is not biting anymore (just twice the first week as I was giving him bath for the tail as he had multiple sheds stuck on it). He shed two weeks after I adopted him, an incomplete shed. He just shed, a complete one, today, end of tail included. I had trouble feeding him first, I added some heating pad in his tank and gave him pinkies. He is now back to fuzzies.
I measured his shed: 22 inches and after eating 3 fuzzies yesterday (he did I eat last week), pooping today, he weighs 62 grams.
I don't know how old he is or if Coco is a male or a female,but I am glad that he is not in a small tank anymore!

Hi. Welcome to the forum!

Based on the weight of the snake In guessing Coco is a ball python?

If so, pinkies and fuzzies are WAY too small for a BP.

Also, did you put the heat pad IN the enclosure. And is it regulated by a THERMOSTAT??

10-10-18, 09:08 AM
Welcome to sSNAKESs!! :D

10-10-18, 11:09 AM
Hello and welcome!

10-13-18, 09:18 PM
Sorry,I forgot to say that Coco is a cornsnake, the heating pad in on the side of the tank on the outside in one corner. I weighted him 24 hour after eating!

10-13-18, 09:30 PM

Coco is a corn snake, I weighted him 24 hours after he ate 3 fuzzies! He has 2 heat pads places on the sides of a corner of his tank!

10-14-18, 05:59 PM
The heat pad is on side of the tank, on the outside. Coco is a corn snake. I will need to weight him when he is empty!

10-15-18, 09:37 AM
Personally, on the side is not good for a UTH, on the bottom in the corner is better. You want the heat to come from below and radiate upwards through the substrate.

Radiant Heat Panels (RHP) work above or from the side, but until you graduate to a PVC or wooden enclosure that's large enough, you wont use them.

The heat pad is on side of the tank, on the outside. Coco is a corn snake. I will need to weight him when he is empty!

10-15-18, 03:07 PM
Welcome to the forum!

10-17-18, 10:15 PM
Thank you!