View Full Version : Who has a large water monitor here?

03-04-03, 12:08 PM
Pics? How do you have it set up?

John A
03-04-03, 03:36 PM
hi baz,
i keep 1 adult sulfur water (5 foot 3 inches), and 3 smaller individual sulfurs, and a pair of adult cumingi waters. pics of mine are on my website cybersalvator.com, i custom built a few cages for them, consisting of a 2x4 frame, insulation, ply walls and frp linings inside for water proof qualities. mt largest cage is 8 feet by 4 feet deep, 5 feet high. substrate is 18-20 inches of topsoil, an additional top layer of oak leaves a few inches deep. i literally pour water in by the bucket full when needed. a water container is also available for a soak, or drink. you can email me if you want. -john a

03-04-03, 03:46 PM
Oh hello! Yeah I have been on your site a few times. I really like that "tiger" water monitor! Bloody nice animal that!

03-04-03, 03:58 PM
That pic of Mike Stefani on your website is hillarious! He should have auditioned to be Wolverine in the upcoming X-Men! lol.Seems like a nice bloke from **************.

03-04-03, 03:59 PM
Ooops.. I guess I am not allowed to say the name of that other website here! lol

John A
03-04-03, 04:10 PM
hi baz, yeah mike is a funny man. kinda looks like wolverine lol
the small tiger water is doing great, he is amazing compared to some of my others. talk soon. -john

03-04-03, 04:33 PM
If you have any more pics of that particular water monitor? he must have cost you an arm and a leg!

John A
03-04-03, 05:04 PM
right now he is shedding but when finished, ill send you some pics. i think i have a couple of him in the gallery called sulfur waters on my site. sometimes pics dont pop up but ill email new pics to you. -john

03-04-03, 10:09 PM
Thanks mate!