View Full Version : Nagini took her first rat!

08-25-18, 06:53 PM
The last couple of times I offered her a rat, before she went into the shed she completed today, she had absolutely no interest and I relented and gave her a mouse.

But tonight, after she shed out, I offered her a weaned rat that I thawed in hot water together with a mouse, and she nailed it with all her usual voraciousness! Of course I suppose it helped that she hadn't eaten in 3 weeks because of being in shed...

08-25-18, 11:49 PM
Congrats! It's always a relief when they finally make the switch. :) Hopefully she keeps that up for you.

EL Ziggy
08-26-18, 12:57 AM
Congrats! Let's keep the streak going! Now that you know she'll eat a rat don't let her see another mouse until she has a really strong imprint with rats. They'll eat anything if they're hungry enough. :)

09-03-18, 06:31 PM
Offered Nagini her second weaned rat at tonight's feeding. I didn't scent it this time. I decided to set the mug I was thawing her weaned rat in on the cabinet next to the front corner of her viv to let her smell it while it thawed and she was a riot! She was pacing back and forth in front of the glass, stretching up to the top of the viv, tongue flicking like mad and then when I finally started the Amazing Zombie Ratling Puppet Show she struck in seconds and wrapped it so hard I could barely get the forceps out! I guess she's a confirmed ratter now!

09-04-18, 03:03 PM
Ya it's great when they eat like that. Makes me feel like alls good in their environment. And like what's mentioned before no mice now ever. CONGRATS.

09-09-18, 01:07 PM
Yay! Definitely sounds like she decided it was worth the switch. haha

10-16-18, 05:32 PM
This is why I try to get them on rats immediately after I get them, it's just so much easier that way instead of doing a transition.