View Full Version : pic request

03-04-03, 12:34 AM
Hey all
I am making my own buisess called ViperCom. For a logo on my website i want to get a picture of a viper striking at the camera (preferably a gabby) it needs to be clear and the head of the viper taking up a good portion of the picture. Since you all have such beautiful snakes in ur collections i am searching here first. if you would be so kind as to letting me have a picture that isn't registered. I'd be forever in your debt. Thank you all in advance.


03-04-03, 12:53 AM
I mayl try a pic in next feeding time.....if the gabby co-operate...


03-04-03, 08:57 AM
I am about to digitize the video I shoot I did for Turner Broadcasting. Had an EDB strike the camera multple times and a large one strike the fake leg i made and get her fangs caught in the pants! Once it is digitized I am uploading an MPEG to my site and taking severl stills out of it. Maybe one will work. Have to see how clear they are when it gets on the puter ;)

03-04-03, 02:58 PM
Thanks a lot man. If you have a website or would like credit just tell me i'll put a little tag on the picture or on the site for u.
