View Full Version : Hiya!

08-24-18, 12:17 AM
Hi guys! I've occasionally stumbled across this website while searching for snake info and I have finally decided to make an account here. :)

I have a 2015 male snow corn that I've raised since he was a hatchling
I have a 2017 White Oak grey rat snake (gender unknown but I think it's female)
I also have a 2017 Great Basin Gopher Snake (gender unknown - I'm bad at sexing hatchlings since I don't have anyone to show me how to pop 'em in person. I do know how to probe the adults though)
Anyways, I've loved snakes ever since I was in elementary school but was unable to own any until a few years ago. I plan to breed colubrids in the future, primarily corn and rat snakes.
I'm glad to meet you all! I'm looking forward to continue working to become the best snake owner I can be.

EL Ziggy
08-24-18, 05:00 AM
Welcome aboard and best wishes. Sounds like you have some pretty cool critters. Share pics when you can. :)

08-24-18, 05:08 AM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

08-24-18, 06:50 AM
Welcome to the forum, happy to have you aboard.
I'm always happy to see some love for colubrids.

08-24-18, 10:17 AM
Welcome! I'd love to see some photos of the rat snake. I found an incredible white oak phase earlier this year in Florida and was completely mindblown when I saw it.

08-25-18, 01:00 AM
Welcome! I'd love to see some photos of the rat snake. I found an incredible white oak phase earlier this year in Florida and was completely mindblown when I saw it.
I'd love to show you some. I'm currently working on making a photo album in the gallery. I've already uploaded one of the white oaks grey rat snake. If you search for 'wildlizappeared' in gallery, it will pop up. I'll upload more later :)

08-25-18, 07:46 PM
That's a nice one mate. I'll have to dig around and show you a photo of the one I found. They truly are a beautiful variation of the gray rat snake. Unbelievable that they occur that was naturally.