View Full Version : Corn snake acting very differently

08-04-18, 12:27 AM
My 7 month albino corn snake (Noodle) usually is hidden in their (unsexed) hide for 80% of the day. When i grab them to handle, they don't dart away or anything. I recently got a male spider ball python (Henry) who's about 7 months. He is also very calm and docile. As soon as I brought Henry in the room, noodle came out of their hide and started looking around. I went to grab them and he darted left and right out of my hand and he does not go away in their hide. He's been like this for the past 5 hours and won't go in his hide. And again, when i try grabbing him, he will dart out of my hind and try slithering away really fast.
Is Noodle just stressed out by his new bud Henry? Will this pass? Any recommendations or help?
They also have their own separate enclosures.

Herpin' Man
08-04-18, 12:30 PM
Noodle is not stressed by Henry's presence. Noodle is probably unaware of Henry's presence. The behavior change is coincidental, or has another cause.
I have kept dozens of snakes in the same room before. They pay no attention to each other.