View Full Version : NutriBACdf Question...

08-03-18, 12:03 PM
Would NutriBacdf make a snake poop sooner and squishier than normal?

I found something in Jerkface's viv this morning. I'm pretty sure it's poop and not a regurg, but he only ate his dusted pinky 4 days ago and he usually poops every 2nd feeding. He hasn't kept a meal down since mid-June so it wouldn't be residual would it?

I weighed him and he's gained a gram.

08-04-18, 02:43 PM
First off:
CONGRATS!!!! So so so glad he's finally kept a meal down for you. :) This is incredibly promising, here's to more meals kept down in the future!

It's possible that the NutriBAC could cause some mushy poop, it's introducing a new gut flora to their stomach, which can be a bit of a shock. Also, every time a snake regurges, it does damage to their stomach/intestines. Jerkface has regurged multiple times, and probably has fairly substantial damage done to his digestive tract, which will impact his ability to digest and could cause mushy feces.