View Full Version : Corn Snake Has Hard Lump

Neon Aurora
07-20-18, 09:31 AM
Hi all,

I have been "babysitting" my sister's corn snake for several months now. Yesterday I noticed this big, hard lump in her abdomen. I have no idea what it is. Some ideas:

1) I am positive the snake is female. Infertile egg? The lump is huge for that, but maybe...

2) Intestinal blockage? She did poop recently, though.

3) Tumor?

The snake is getting up there in age. I think she's around 14 now.

After I noticed last night, we did a warm soak (or rather swim, snake doesn't stay still), I raised her temps by a few degrees, and temporarily changed her substrate to coco fiber to keep the humidity higher. I'm thinking if it's something passable, higher temps and extra moisture could help.

Here are some pics. In the first pic, the lump is near the part of her body that is lying on the stick.


I told my sister what is going on, and she said if the warm soaks and temp changes don't help, she will take her to the vet.

07-21-18, 01:45 PM
It could be anything that you mentioned or even an abscess of some kind. That is something that should be taken care of immediately and should only assessed by a vet.

Neon Aurora
07-23-18, 01:13 PM
I mean, you're definitely right about that. But like I said, not my snake. If I took every animal to the vet that some other person didn't feel like taking care of, I would go broke.

The lump hasn't changed, and now that the need to see a vet is a reality, my sister no longer wants to take her.

So now I guess I get to decide if I want to spend a small fortune on an animal that isn't mine, or let her die a slow death at my sister's house.

07-23-18, 02:37 PM
Are there any animal rescues in your area?

Member a member on the forum is local and might have the means to care for the snake?

Neon Aurora
07-23-18, 02:52 PM
This is an idea. First I have to figure out if my sister would be willing to give her to someone else. I have a feeling the answer is no.

I MIGHT be able to afford an exam and xrays and possibly other treatment if it doesn't cost $600 or something. Really don't think I can afford surgery on an animal that isn't mine. I have my own animals to think about.

07-24-18, 05:19 AM
Don't your sister should take money part of problem ?

07-24-18, 06:21 AM
This is an idea. First I have to figure out if my sister would be willing to give her to someone else. I have a feeling the answer is no.

I MIGHT be able to afford an exam and xrays and possibly other treatment if it doesn't cost $600 or something. Really don't think I can afford surgery on an animal that isn't mine. I have my own animals to think about.

If your sister isn't willing to care for her, INCLUDING vet bills, she shouldn't get a say in what happens to the animal. Neglect is one thing, cruelty is another.

Neon Aurora
07-25-18, 07:46 AM
Well, lots of arguing, but no luck really. She said she would take her for an exam, and that's it. No xrays or anything. I don't think that's going to help.

I'm thinking about doing what I can... Not in a great spot financially at the moment, so it would be a few weeks before I could do anything beyond xrays and an exam. Could probably push it if she needed like an enema or oral dose of mineral oil or something that doesn't include anesthesia and cutting into the snake.

07-25-18, 08:02 AM
Well, lots of arguing, but no luck really. She said she would take her for an exam, and that's it. No xrays or anything. I don't think that's going to help.

I'm thinking about doing what I can... Not in a great spot financially at the moment, so it would be a few weeks before I could do anything beyond xrays and an exam. Could probably push it if she needed like an enema or oral dose of mineral oil or something that doesn't include anesthesia and cutting into the snake.

I give you props for doing the best you can. You were put in a really tough spot, and it seems you're handling it the best you can. I truly wish you and that poor snake all the best.

This is a valuable lesson: having some vet money stashed away is very important when choosing to keep any pet. Animals do get sick, injured, etc... so people, please make sure you can afford vet visits for your animals before bringing them home.

Neon Aurora, that was in NO way intended towards you, it was intended to be a learning experience for anybody reading this. This unfortunate situation is no doubt hard on you. I mean no disrespect to your sister, but if she isn't willing and able to properly care for the animal it should be rehomed.

Have you looked into a rescue near where you live?
This animal NEEDS medical attention, and every day, every hour this animal is suffering more and closer to death. Not trying to be a jerk, but I am trying to stress the importance of the situation. That poor snake doesn't have a voice, but I'm sure it would be asking for help if it did...

Neon Aurora, I hope things work out for you and the snake.

07-25-18, 08:58 AM
I give you props for doing the best you can. You were put in a really tough spot, and it seems you're handling it the best you can. I truly wish you and that poor snake all the best.

This is a valuable lesson: having some vet money stashed away is very important when choosing to keep any pet. Animals do get sick, injured, etc... so people, please make sure you can afford vet visits for your animals before bringing them home.

Neon Aurora, that was in NO way intended towards you, it was intended to be a learning experience for anybody reading this. This unfortunate situation is no doubt hard on you. I mean no disrespect to your sister, but if she isn't willing and able to properly care for the animal it should be rehomed.

Have you looked into a rescue near where you live?
This animal NEEDS medical attention, and every day, every hour this animal is suffering more and closer to death. Not trying to be a jerk, but I am trying to stress the importance of the situation. That poor snake doesn't have a voice, but I'm sure it would be asking for help if it did...

Neon Aurora, I hope things work out for you and the snake.

100% agree with everything Craig has mentioned.

Neon Aurora
07-25-18, 09:37 AM
You see, normally I do have vet money stashed. I'm in unusual spot regarding my job. Long story. This isn't typical for me.

I also have a CareCredit card and a regular credit card. If this was truly my animal, she would have been at the vet a week ago. I always find a way to pay for vet bills. This thing with my sister is ongoing. It's a long story, but this is not the first animal that I've had to deal with because she was unwilling/didn't have money/insert other excuse here. That's why I've been so hesitant to deal with it.

To be honest, I have an empty spot in my reptile collection. I could take this snake. I just didn't want to. I was looking forward to choosing something on my own to raise instead of having to take on my sister's responsibilities that she wouldn't take care of. I was just hoping to get her to do it herself. My rosy boa is also a snake I took her from her because she wasn't taking care of her.

I guess I just need to decide how much of a fight I'm willing to cause with family. I don't think she will let me have the snake easily.

It's become abundantly clear that she simply doesn't care and doesn't think the snake is worth spending more than $30 on vet bills. So be it.

Fletcher (the corn snake) has a vet appointment at 5:30 pm today. I will do everything I can. This hit me at a very bad time because of the unusual situation with my job.

In other news, she is definitely pooping. I skipped her last feeding (she pooped after the last time I fed her) and this morning I saw she has passed a urate a little bit of poop. I didn't expect much poop since she hasn't eaten in a while. But things are moving through, so I'm not convinced it's a blockage.

07-25-18, 10:08 AM
You see, normally I do have vet money stashed. I'm in unusual spot regarding my job. Long story. This isn't typical for me.

I also have a CareCredit card and a regular credit card. If this was truly my animal, she would have been at the vet a week ago. I always find a way to pay for vet bills. This thing with my sister is ongoing. It's a long story, but this is not the first animal that I've had to deal with because she was unwilling/didn't have money/insert other excuse here. That's why I've been so hesitant to deal with it.

To be honest, I have an empty spot in my reptile collection. I could take this snake. I just didn't want to. I was looking forward to choosing something on my own to raise instead of having to take on my sister's responsibilities that she wouldn't take care of. I was just hoping to get her to do it herself. My rosy boa is also a snake I took her from her because she wasn't taking care of her.

I guess I just need to decide how much of a fight I'm willing to cause with family. I don't think she will let me have the snake easily.

It's become abundantly clear that she simply doesn't care and doesn't think the snake is worth spending more than $30 on vet bills. So be it.

Fletcher (the corn snake) has a vet appointment at 5:30 pm today. I will do everything I can. This hit me at a very bad time because of the unusual situation with my job.

In other news, she is definitely pooping. I skipped her last feeding (she pooped after the last time I fed her) and this morning I saw she has passed a urate a little bit of poop. I didn't expect much poop since she hasn't eaten in a while. But things are moving through, so I'm not convinced it's a blockage.

I get it. I think most of us have dealt with tough financial situations as well as job insecurities or various jobsituations. I commend you for doing what you can.

The animal isn't your responsibility, you should not be burdened with this obligation. It shouldn't be falling on you to finance this animals vet bills, or anything for that matter. I can't imagine your sister's reaction if somebody tried to put a $30 cap on HER health care.

I also understand not wanting to create a family ordeal.
You're in a tough spot. My heart goes out to you.

Please let us know how the vet appointment goes.

07-25-18, 05:31 PM
Neon Aurora, your sister is really bad person. If I were you I'd stop relations with her. Sorry. I hope you settle this problem with snake and your sister. But women .... I am sure your sister spend much money for women's useless **** and don't wanna take care of it's snake.

Neon Aurora
07-26-18, 12:16 AM
Okay, back from vet appointment. We still don't really know what it is.

Here is the picture of the xray:

Nothing obvious. Definitely not eggs, possibly intestinal blockage but no real evidence of that. So we are thinking an abscess or a tumor.

It's below her lungs but above her kidneys and reproductive system. Vet said that the pancreas, stomach, and intestines are in that region.

My vet advised me to feed her something small (like a fuzzy or something) dipped in egg yolk. Apparently that has a lubricant effect. I thought mineral oil would be better, though. Any ideas?

She said to see if she can pass that or if she regurgitates it or anything.

She also gave me 5 doses (first one given today) of an injectable antibiotic that I am to give her every 3 days. Hopefully if it's an abscess, that'll clear it up.

Recheck in a week. If that doesn't help, the next step would be to aspirate it and send a sample off to the biopsy lab. Then we can see if it's a tumor or something else.

I am to give her warm baths daily and keep her temps and humidity higher than average.

07-26-18, 04:10 AM
Does vet have magnetic resonance imaging scanner ?

07-26-18, 06:51 AM
You think money grows on trees?

Even though I spent tens of thousands of dollars on my dogs, for various cancer treatments, I hate to say it but an MRI for a snake would never happen due to the cost.

Does vet have magnetic resonance imaging scanner ?

Neon Aurora
07-26-18, 07:27 AM
Yeah, I can't really afford an MRI on a 15 year old snake. I'm pretty sure my vet doesn't even have one. There are not a lot of great options for herp vets around here. There are only a few vets that will take herps.

I'm sure we can diagnose it without that.

My vet did say she would mention the case to their ultrasound person. Sometimes he takes interesting cases for free. Alternatively, she needs to find out the cost of an ultrasound on a snake.

But honestly I think aspirating it for a biopsy sounds like a pretty good option if the antibiotics don't clear it up.

07-26-18, 11:14 AM
My reptile vet here in Norther VA, SEAVS, has been my go to vet for all my snakes. I've been there with a Yellow Rat that had a lump, my BCC had RI, my Coastal CP had scale damage, and my Red Tail Green Rat had an abcess in it's nose. All of those were treated with two different antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory and all turned out well.

Hopefully what you're doing will work, but be patient due to its metabolism...the results will be slow in showing if there are any improvements and reduction in size of the site.

There have been quite a few cases of cancer showing up in different forums and FB so I'm wondering if we're breeding that into them due to the lack of bloodlines. I've heard that same discussion with dog breeds, and both of MY purebred Dobermans have had issues with either cancer (killed my female) or kidney disease.

Yeah, I can't really afford an MRI on a 15 year old snake. I'm pretty sure my vet doesn't even have one. There are not a lot of great options for herp vets around here. There are only a few vets that will take herps.

I'm sure we can diagnose it without that.

My vet did say she would mention the case to their ultrasound person. Sometimes he takes interesting cases for free. Alternatively, she needs to find out the cost of an ultrasound on a snake.

But honestly I think aspirating it for a biopsy sounds like a pretty good option if the antibiotics don't clear it up.

Neon Aurora
07-26-18, 01:02 PM
Good point on the metabolism. I have 2 weeks worth of meds so maybe after the full course I could expect something to happen.

Definitely a possibility on the cancer thing. It wouldn't surprise me. My sister got this snake from Petsmart when she was a kid, so probably didn't have the most savory origins.

I'm going to get her some food today and try the egg yolk thing. I really don't think it's a blockage, though.

07-26-18, 03:25 PM
Neon Aurora, your sister is really bad person. If I were you I'd stop relations with her. Sorry. I hope you settle this problem with snake and your sister. But women .... I am sure your sister spend much money for women's useless **** and don't wanna take care of it's snake.

I think that's a bit excessive since you don't know her. You have no clue what she spends money on and no reason to say she's a bad person.
I swear you just like to stir up controversy.

07-26-18, 03:28 PM
Okay, back from vet appointment. We still don't really know what it is.

Here is the picture of the xray:

Nothing obvious. Definitely not eggs, possibly intestinal blockage but no real evidence of that. So we are thinking an abscess or a tumor.

It's below her lungs but above her kidneys and reproductive system. Vet said that the pancreas, stomach, and intestines are in that region.

My vet advised me to feed her something small (like a fuzzy or something) dipped in egg yolk. Apparently that has a lubricant effect. I thought mineral oil would be better, though. Any ideas?

She said to see if she can pass that or if she regurgitates it or anything.

She also gave me 5 doses (first one given today) of an injectable antibiotic that I am to give her every 3 days. Hopefully if it's an abscess, that'll clear it up.

Recheck in a week. If that doesn't help, the next step would be to aspirate it and send a sample off to the biopsy lab. Then we can see if it's a tumor or something else.

I am to give her warm baths daily and keep her temps and humidity higher than average.

Thanks for the update. You're doing a great job, especially considering the snake doesn't even belong to you. Hats off to you!

07-27-18, 03:59 AM
You think money grows on trees?

Even though I spent tens of thousands of dollars on my dogs, for various cancer treatments, I hate to say it but an MRI for a snake would never happen due to the cost.
I don't know about prices. No need to be rude (

07-27-18, 05:04 AM
No need to be rude (

This coming from you????? I dont know if that comment is more hypocritical or hilarious!!!

07-27-18, 10:03 AM
I think that's a bit excessive since you don't know her. You have no clue what she spends money on and no reason to say she's a bad person.

Topicstarter said
It's a long story, but this is not the first animal that I've had to deal with because she was unwilling/didn't have money/insert other excuse here.
So my opinion she's a bad person. Can I have my own opinion ?! Thanks )

Neon Aurora
07-27-18, 10:31 AM
I think it'd be good to not argue about unrelated things in my thread.

Although I will say that you are being quite rude, Kazz. I came here for some help and advice about a snake, not for people to make comments about my family situation. I mentioned it because it was relevant to the snake's problem. And I got the advice I wanted; the snake needs medical attention, it can't wait, so I should find a way to help the snake regardless of whatever family issues I am having.

Neon Aurora, your sister is really bad person. If I were you I'd stop relations with her. Sorry. I hope you settle this problem with snake and your sister. But women .... I am sure your sister spend much money for women's useless **** and don't wanna take care of it's snake.

This is a sexist statement and you should probably refrain from saying things like that on the forum. I'm sure there are plenty of men who would rather buy other things than spend money on a snake's healthcare too.

Anyways, probably would be better to get back on topic. I don't have much to update right now, nothing has changed. Her next injection is tomorrow. I didn't have time to get her food yesterday, but will today.

07-27-18, 11:05 AM
Going forward, any members engaging each other in a negative manner in this thread will have comments deleted and warnings issued in private. A lot of us have strong feelings about this situation, but if anyone has something personal to say, take it to private messages. This stops now.

07-28-18, 07:17 AM
Honestly, sounds like this vet has very little reptile experience. I am not a vet, I am a nurse, but life is life humans to snakes. It's all process of elimination and research for answers. I hope your vet asked you these exact questions, but I'll give finding an answer a shot if you can help me narrow down my search with some answers.

-First off, how long has this snake had this lump?
-Did it appear one day or did it grow, if so, how long did it take to grow to it's size and is it still growing?
-Is the lump painful, does the snake guard or react in any way if you squeeze it. Try squeezing a different part of the snake with the same force and then squeeze the lump, tell me if there is a difference.
-Is the lump hard and fixed? or does it move a tiny bit up and down? Can you indent the lump as if it was fluid filled or is it hard like a rock?
-When is the last time this snake ate food? Is it defecating/regurgitating?
-Anything else to add

Neon Aurora
07-28-18, 07:42 AM
Honestly, sounds like this vet has very little reptile experience. I am not a vet, I am a nurse, but life is life humans to snakes. It's all process of elimination and research for answers. I hope your vet asked you these exact questions, but I'll give finding an answer a shot if you can help me narrow down my search with some answers.

-First off, how long has this snake had this lump?
-Did it appear one day or did it grow, if so, how long did it take to grow to it's size and is it still growing?
-Is the lump painful, does the snake guard or react in any way if you squeeze it. Try squeezing a different part of the snake with the same force and then squeeze the lump, tell me if there is a difference.
-Is the lump hard and fixed? or does it move a tiny bit up and down? Can you indent the lump as if it was fluid filled or is it hard like a rock?
-When is the last time this snake ate food? Is it defecating/regurgitating?
-Anything else to add

I mean, she's not mainly a herp vet, no. She is small animal but also certified to do exotics. I have yet to find a vet that just does herps and especially around here, I think it's rare for people to take herps to the vet. Probably why there is not a lot of selection.

She did ask me all those questions, though.

-I'm honestly not very sure. I just noticed it about a week ago. I don't think it was there a few weeks ago, but I wasn't looking for it.
-I don't know. I don't believe it's grown in the one week I've known about it.
-The vet did this, and determined the lump does not seem painful. I agree, because I had done the same thing when I first noticed it. She gets a little feisty when you squeeze, but she will do that if you squeeze any part of her body.
-It's firm and fixed. I've been keeping an eye on its location by counting the saddles on her back. You can't indent it. It doesn't really feel like a rock, but it's definitely firm and doesn't give when you mess with it.
-Two weeks ago. I noticed it when I went to feed her, but ended up not feeding her because I didn't know what it was. I'm planning to give her a small meal this weekend. She is defecating just fine and she has never regurgitated.
-Nothing else to add, really. No other symptoms. She's active, wants to eat, drinking, etc.

07-28-18, 01:24 PM
Well... how far down the snake is this lump?? I think right away we can rule out abscess. It just doesn't look like an abscess from the x-ray, plus abscesses are not super hard and fixed; they can be "flexed" when pressed on. They also sit off to the side of something making the lump irregular. The lump on your snake looks pretty uniform.
I am going to guess it is either impaction, or more likely organoamegaly.
It is not constipation since that would be a long distended appearance, not a lump. However if this lump is around 2/3's of the way down the snake it could be impacted right where the stomach meets the small intestine. From the X-ray the lump is organic. So it is either food that will not pass into the intestines, or an enlarged organ.

The fastest way to find out if it is intestinal impaction is to feed the snake and see if the food passes. Feed your snake and watch it carefully after 48 hours. Make sure you handle it every day after the 48 hour mark to see if the snakes energy levels change. The lump should increase in size. The snake will either regurgitate the food, or it will get sick. If the impaction is where I think it is, it should have no problem regurgitating. Infection due to rotting impacted food usually only occurs when the food has already passed into the intestine.

What is the temperature like where you live, in the cage, and does the snake have a warm place to go? Impaction can happen if the snake is too cold after eating, not allowing the digestive processes to do it's thing. Snakes need to be able to warm themselves up in order to digest their food.

In the case of organomegaly (enlarged organs) it really depends on the pathology (what is causing the swelling organ) Either it will fix itself, go away with antibiotics, or the snake has lived it's life and these are it's end times. If it is caused by bacteria the antibiotics should fight off the disease. improperly kept frozen mice can causing this.

I would also rule out cancer/tumors. Again, it doesn't look like what a tumor would look like in an X-ray.

Keep to the antibiotic schedule. Make sure the cage is clean and dry. And report back on what happens after she has a meal. unlike all the other things that could cause a lump in a snake, impaction is the most dangerous and emergent situation.

Neon Aurora
07-28-18, 02:10 PM
I find it hard to believe she's impacted since she has been pooping no problem. But yes, I'm going to try giving her a meal.

My sister never heated her. When I started taking care of her, I gave her heat. She was kept with a warm spot of 88-90 F and the cool end is usually around 70. There is a pretty decent temperature gradient in between that (measured with temp gun). Since this happened, I raised her warm spot to like 92-93. So she has had good temperature conditions for a couple months now, so through many feedings.

The lump is probably between 1/2 and 2/3 of the way down. Like I said, the organs in that area are the pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

07-29-18, 04:52 AM
My vet recommendations were “no feeding” during antibiotic treatments—all three of my snakes were off food during treatments. You better check first before feeding. Remember, the patients can go for a few weeks with no food and still survive!

I find it hard to believe she's impacted since she has been pooping no problem. But yes, I'm going to try giving her a meal.

My sister never heated her. When I started taking care of her, I gave her heat. She was kept with a warm spot of 88-90 F and the cool end is usually around 70. There is a pretty decent temperature gradient in between that (measured with temp gun). Since this happened, I raised her warm spot to like 92-93. So she has had good temperature conditions for a couple months now, so through many feedings.

The lump is probably between 1/2 and 2/3 of the way down. Like I said, the organs in that area are the pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

Neon Aurora
07-29-18, 02:00 PM
My vet told me to try feeding her something small. Should I not?

07-29-18, 02:30 PM
Three times I was told not to...not until the shots were done.

When’s the last time ur snake ate? If it was in the last month, you will be okay for a few weeks while the medicine works.

My vet told me to try feeding her something small. Should I not?

Neon Aurora
07-29-18, 03:46 PM
Alright, I'm fine with not feeding her. I'm not worried about her starving to death or anything. She's gone on hunger strikes longer than this before.

Neon Aurora
08-06-18, 10:57 AM
Well, no luck, guys. Today is the last dose of antibioitics and nothing has changed.

Been giving her warm soaks and she has been pooping during some of those, so doesn't appear to be a blockage either.

Back to the vet to find out what to do next.

08-06-18, 11:46 AM
Poor thing. Thanks for trying to help her.

Neon Aurora
08-07-18, 10:10 AM
Vet appointmnt at 3:15 today.

I'm holding her right now and can't help but notice she is occasionally taking some rather loud breaths. Not sure what that is all about.

08-07-18, 01:47 PM
Vet appointmnt at 3:15 today.

I'm holding her right now and can't help but notice she is occasionally taking some rather loud breaths. Not sure what that is all about.

I'm sending all my best wishes your way.

Neon Aurora
08-07-18, 04:46 PM
Just got back from the vet.

The vet and I agreed that the lump actually looks a bit larger than before, so that's not good news. She also lost 30 grams since our last appointment. Also bad news.

There is some good news, though. I guess they called up their ultrasound guy and he was really excited because he's never gotten to do an ultrasound on a snake. They're getting some people together for the experience for education and he's going to do it free of charge! That is excellent, because still not my snake.

Her ultrasound will be tomorrow afternoon. I got her a fuzzy today (small meal for her) but am going to hold off trying to feed her until probably Thursday. I don't want her to regurgitate or for the meal to affect the efficacy of the ultrasound.

08-07-18, 05:26 PM
Neon Aurora, good luck. Hope ultrasound will helps to make a diagnosis .

08-07-18, 07:59 PM
Just got back from the vet.

The vet and I agreed that the lump actually looks a bit larger than before, so that's not good news. She also lost 30 grams since our last appointment. Also bad news.

There is some good news, though. I guess they called up their ultrasound guy and he was really excited because he's never gotten to do an ultrasound on a snake. They're getting some people together for the experience for education and he's going to do it free of charge! That is excellent, because still not my snake.

Her ultrasound will be tomorrow afternoon. I got her a fuzzy today (small meal for her) but am going to hold off trying to feed her until probably Thursday. I don't want her to regurgitate or for the meal to affect the efficacy of the ultrasound.

Sorry to hear of the lost weight and that the lump seems larger.
However, that's great news that they're doing an ultrasound free of charge, and super cool that they're making it educational too.

As always, good luck!

Neon Aurora
08-08-18, 09:27 PM
The ultrasound was really cool. He went all over her body and I got to see her heart beating and stuff. All we know so far is that it is some kind of mass and that it is completely solid, not fluid filled. He said it kind of looks like liver tissue but he didn't have a great idea of what he was seeing. Apparently there is not much literature on imaging in snakes and other reptiles. I've seen ultrasounds on horses, dogs, and cats, but this looked very weird. Her scales created weird patterning on the image which made it even harder for me to see what was happening (not that I can usually tell much anyways, no training here).

He took clips of the ultrasound and is taking them somewhere else to get some more opinions and do more research. Once he has more information, he wants to do some more diagnostic work next week. Probably an ultrasound guided aspiration so we can find out what kind of cells are in the mass. All free of charge. Everyone there is really interested in her case. They said they are starting to see an increasing number of reptiles being taken to the vet and they want to learn more about how to diagnose and treat them. They are using her to learn how to better help other snakes and reptiles in the future.

Honestly, this is very cool. I guess I kind of hit the jackpot as far as helping this snake goes. Seems like these vets really want to diagnose her for educational purposes. I'm glad that, if it something deadly like cancer, that this experience can be used to help reptiles in the future.

I'm going to feed her in the morning. I got her a fuzzy because they instructed me to feed her something small to see what happens.

I'll keep updating! I hope you guys are finding this as interesting as I am.

She was such a good snake. She let us turn her upside down and just kind of hung out like that until we were done.

08-08-18, 11:55 PM
I'm starting to wonder if you took any photos during the ultrasound or not. It's OK if the answer is no. :)

We wish the best for your snake and for the vets who are just starting out on caring for reptiles.

08-09-18, 05:05 AM
This really is so cool. And on multiple levels, starting with you, @neon aurora. You made a tough decision to help that snake in the first place, and it's clearly paying off.

Then there's the vet level of cool. Thats awesome that they're willing to do all this work as a free-of-charge learning experience for themselves and their staff.

Lastly, there's the cool part that the snake may unknowingly be helping future herps be properly diagnosed using this technology and education.

So, cool. And @neon aurora, you should be proud of yourself for all you're doing for this animal.
...and to think, it's not even your snake!! Kudos to you!

08-09-18, 08:06 AM
This really is so cool. And on multiple levels, starting with you, @neon aurora. You made a tough decision to help that snake in the first place, and it's clearly paying off.

Then there's the vet level of cool. Thats awesome that they're willing to do all this work as a free-of-charge learning experience for themselves and their staff.

Lastly, there's the cool part that the snake may unknowingly be helping future herps be properly diagnosed using this technology and education.

So, cool. And @neon aurora, you should be proud of yourself for all you're doing for this animal.
...and to think, it's not even your snake!! Kudos to you!

Ditto! Everything Craig said.

Neon Aurora
08-09-18, 09:52 AM
I didn't take any pictures of the ultrasound because I was assisting to hold her still, but they took multiple clips. Probably when I go back next week for the aspiration, I will ask if they will send me the clips. I definitely want to have them. It was really neat seeing her heart doing its thing.

And thanks everyone! I hate to leave an animal in need high and dry. I'm just glad this worked out in the financial aspect and that it is contributing to education.

In other news, I can't get her to eat. I brained the fuzzy and everything and she wasn't interested. Guess my rosy boa will get an extra snack before her next feeding. I'm thinking I will try to feed Fletcher again maybe on Sunday. Perhaps she is just stressed from me having to take her to so many vet appointments.

08-09-18, 11:17 AM
I didn't take any pictures of the ultrasound because I was assisting to hold her still, but they took multiple clips. Probably when I go back next week for the aspiration, I will ask if they will send me the clips. I definitely want to have them. It was really neat seeing her heart doing its thing.

And thanks everyone! I hate to leave an animal in need high and dry. I'm just glad this worked out in the financial aspect and that it is contributing to education.

In other news, I can't get her to eat. I brained the fuzzy and everything and she wasn't interested. Guess my rosy boa will get an extra snack before her next feeding. I'm thinking I will try to feed Fletcher again maybe on Sunday. Perhaps she is just stressed from me having to take her to so many vet appointments.

I wouldn't worry too much about her not eating, and I'm sure you're probably right that it's stress related.

Please continue to keep us posted. I know I appreciate it.

Neon Aurora
09-07-18, 07:53 AM
Finally got her test results back.

I ended up doing an ultrasound guided aspiration and sent the sample off for biopsy. Spent more money than I wanted to, but whatever. I wanted to follow this through for my old friend.

It's cancer, probably a sarcoma. I'm thinking for sure what I want to do, but am leaning towards euthanasia. The tumor is HUGE and growing and surely must have metastasized by now. I don't think treating it would be worth it.

They weren't able to tell me which organ is started in. They think probably intestines, but could be muscle or connective tissue as well.

I feel like at this point euthanasia is probably in the best interest of the snake. She's losing weight like crazy and will not eat.

09-07-18, 11:00 AM
I'd agree that euthanasia may be best. Sorry to hear the result, but at least you now have answers.

09-08-18, 05:52 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this news.
And I think I have to agree with your decision.

HUGE props to you for all you've done for this snake, especially since it wasn't your responsibility in the first place.

I whole-heartedly wish you all the best.

09-08-18, 08:31 PM
I'm so sorry it turned out this way. I agree with you and the others that euthanasia is the kindest choice. You are an awesome keeper to have gone all the way with her like this.

Neon Aurora
09-09-18, 12:08 AM
Thanks everyone! Not the results I hoped for, but they are the results I expected.

I feel good about what I did, and will feel at peace with euthanizing her. I haven't even told my sister how much I spent (about $400) and probably won't. She will likely think I am insane.

My sister said she will take care of the euthanasia, so I'm going to give her the chance to do so. But I won't let it go for much longer, if she puts off fulfilling that responsibility.

Sad, but such is life. I have lost many animals in my (relatively short) lifetime, all from things I could not control, sometimes young animals. Each one of those times, I did what diagnostic work was needed to determine if the animal could be saved or not. I didn't think this snake deserved any less.

DJC Reptiles
09-09-18, 06:40 AM
I feel good about what I did, and will feel at peace with euthanizing her. I haven't even told my sister how much I spent (about $400) and probably won't.

That’s the one thing that makes me guilty studying to become a vet. I would feel bad charging people to save animals. I guess there’s also euthanizing animals, but I’m hoping saving them will help with that. Thanks for doing everything you could for the snake, once we start talking about surgery and chemotherapy for snakes, that crosses a line since we can’t know what a snake thinks.