07-09-18, 08:29 PM
Serenity laid her first clutch earlier this year. Back in 2014, she and Atari produced one set of fraternal twins, a male and a female. The rest of that season and the two she's had after, no twins.
When candling this first clutch of this year, I noticed one of the eggs appeared to have two "cheerios" and was wondering if it had twins. Fast forward to yesterday when the first egg slit but no nose poked out, so after about 12 hours, I cut it and could tell it was dead, so removed them from the egg. Turned out to be two complete full term babies with nothing obviously wrong. So, needless to say, I was pretty bummed about that.
Another egg with a single baby pipped yesterday and emerged this morning. A bit later, another egg pipped and baby stuck his head out. Then a second egg slit but after a few hours hadn't popped a nose out so I got a bit worried and cut a bigger hole in the egg, could tell the baby was still alive but couldn't see a head, so left it be another few hours. Came back to check them again just a bit ago and got a huge shock! That last egg had two heads poking out! We have a second and thankfully live set of twins! That's two twin sets in one 6 egg clutch.
When candling this first clutch of this year, I noticed one of the eggs appeared to have two "cheerios" and was wondering if it had twins. Fast forward to yesterday when the first egg slit but no nose poked out, so after about 12 hours, I cut it and could tell it was dead, so removed them from the egg. Turned out to be two complete full term babies with nothing obviously wrong. So, needless to say, I was pretty bummed about that.
Another egg with a single baby pipped yesterday and emerged this morning. A bit later, another egg pipped and baby stuck his head out. Then a second egg slit but after a few hours hadn't popped a nose out so I got a bit worried and cut a bigger hole in the egg, could tell the baby was still alive but couldn't see a head, so left it be another few hours. Came back to check them again just a bit ago and got a huge shock! That last egg had two heads poking out! We have a second and thankfully live set of twins! That's two twin sets in one 6 egg clutch.