View Full Version : Mangrove monitor egg

07-06-18, 10:59 AM
My Mm Laid an egg but I didn't know it can laid eggs without to be with a male , the big problem that he ate it. It was in its mouth already

07-06-18, 02:51 PM
My, that's odd. It may have been an infertile egg.

07-06-18, 03:11 PM
It wasn't an egg who can bring a baby man

07-07-18, 01:34 PM
Monitors (varanids) are capable of parthenogenesis. That is, females laying fertile eggs without breeding. I believe that the offspring are all female.

It isn't going to hurt your monitor for it to eat the occasional egg. You probably ought to make sure it has deep enough substrate to lay any additional eggs. It wouldn't hurt to incubate any you find, either.

07-11-18, 03:12 PM
Hi, as stated varanids are capable of asexual reproduction, and although it hasn`t (yet) been recorded in V. indicus it`s still a possibility (not suggesting this particular egg was fertile). When it does happen the offspring will all be male (not female).
Obviously you do have a female monitor in which case she is likely to become gravid on a regular basis even without a male being present.
Can you show a few photos of the whole enclosure and give details of the conditions (temps, humidity, type and depth of substrate and how you provide nesting options?
Just to mention; it`s perfectly acceptable to offer fertilised eggs on a regular basis, quail eggs are suitable and quite readily available.