View Full Version : How long to wait before feeding again?

06-30-18, 03:49 AM
Seeing as today was a nice day with a warm wind blowing, I thought I'd take my Timor python outside for some sun. He was fine for the first ten minutes or so, hanging out on a frame we use for hanging washing on, when suddenly he started gaping his mouth and having convulsions. I was sure he was going to vomit, but within a minute he was back to normal licking the air and moving around.

Not sure what caused the behaviour, but he's a very nervous little fellow so it could have been a number of things (probably something to do with the temperature). He seems fine now, so all I want to ask is should I treat it as if he actually had vomited and wait a week or so before feeding him again? His last meal was four days ago, due to eat again in 3-4 days time.

07-10-18, 03:52 PM
If he didn't regurge, I don't believe you'd need to treat it as a regurge. I would keep any eye out for any other worrying symptoms in case it was more than just a nervous response, but idk if I'd take any steps yet.

07-12-18, 06:28 AM
If he didn't regurge, I don't believe you'd need to treat it as a regurge. I would keep any eye out for any other worrying symptoms in case it was more than just a nervous response, but idk if I'd take any steps yet.

I kept an eye on him for a few days and then he started to go into shed, so I skipped his next meal and fed him a smaller rat the following week after he'd finished shedding. I haven't handled him at all since the incident, not sure if I'm going to as he seems much happier being left to himself.