View Full Version : New BP Owner, Need Help

06-27-18, 02:01 PM
Hello all! I’m new to the forum and have recently gained a ?banana? ball python at random. My mom found her abandoned in a drawer at the hotel she works at. I have no idea how old she/he is and I don’t know what type of mouse/rat to feed him/her. Help a guy out?

EL Ziggy
06-27-18, 03:25 PM
Welcome aboard Psyk. First things first. How are you heating your enclosure and measuring your temps? You'll have a much better chance of your snake eating if it's husbandry is dialed in. It's hard to tell what size prey to offer with just a head shot of the snake but a general guideline is to feed a prey item that's no larger than 1.5x the width of the animals body at it's thickest point. Try feeding an appropriately sized f/t rat and see if it takes. Best wishes with the new critter and keep us posted on your progress.

06-27-18, 04:45 PM
Welcome, beautiful snake psyko, I will never understand people that do that type of foolishness but at least you have obtained a lovely pet! Hope the best to you both.

06-27-18, 09:05 PM
Welcome to the forum! We're glad you're here.

It looks as though the original owners either meant to abandon that snake or left it behind by accident. Either way, it looks healthy. Give it rodents that aren't larger than the circumference of its head.

06-28-18, 06:22 AM
Hi and welcome.
In order to help you get started well need more info.

Can you get a weight on the snake?
Also a full body picture, preferably with the snake on a flat surface and taken from above, will help too.

06-28-18, 06:25 AM
Either way, it looks healthy. Give it rodents that aren't larger than the circumference of its head.

Unfortunately there's no way to tell if the snake looks healthy from a blurry head shot.

Also, the prey size info is simply not right for a BP.

The general rule of thumb for juvenile to sub-adult BPs is feed a prey item approximately the width of the snake at its widest point. Another general rule of thumb is to feed a prey item 10-15% of the snakes body weight.
As adults, this changes, so if you can get a weight on the snake this will help us help you.

06-28-18, 08:42 AM
Sorry... I was only trying to help. I probably should have known better.

06-28-18, 09:08 AM
Sorry... I was only trying to help. I probably should have known better.

No worries, just trying to help OP.