View Full Version : Identification & Other Beginner Questions

06-02-18, 07:53 AM
Good morning everyone!~

I'm new to this site and to snake care in general, so please bare with me while I figure things out, and definitely let me know if this is posted under the incorrect thread! In all my years of internetting, I haven't gotten the swing of forums quite yet LOL.

Sometime next week I will be bringing home my first ball python! I am super excited, but my first snake, unfortunately, passed away very shortly after I took her home, and this time I want to make extra sure I'm doing everything in my power to keep my new baby happy and healthy!

He (assuming it is male, he has never been sexed) is a year and a half old and around 30inches, or so I'm told. I've yet to meet him in person. I am not sure what type of morph he is, aside from super beautiful! lol
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/33923764_669771766747879_7566624308349370368_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=cd834cf76c6013be3ff76a40cc4451fb&oe=5BB8FDB6
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/34062499_669771663414556_7303353894120194048_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=bbca94d28baa9a957135813ebbaf4d07&oe=5BB98E8D

His current owners are still feeding him pinky mice, live once a week. I'm not sure at all if this is a healthy eating schedule for a snake of his size-- and how difficult would it be to switch him to frozen instead of live? I have pet rats at home, it would kill me to have to feed him living mice, but I will absolutely do it if necessary-- so, what are the best tactics to switch from live to frozen? And, at a 1year6months and 30inches long, what is a proper eating schedule?

As for the enclosure, I have a 75gallon tank on the way. Will this be large enough for years to come, or will I need another update in the future? What are some habitat must-haves that you guys have figured out?

Any tips for getting him settled in when he gets here?

I'm excited, but nervous, to welcome this lil Cupcake into my home! Here's to hoping he settles in well and stays happy and healthy!

06-02-18, 09:09 PM
He seems pretty big to still be on pinky mice. Do you know what he weighs?

06-03-18, 01:28 AM
What a cute snake!

Live is fine as long as the snake isn't left alone with the mouse. And as for the feeding schedule... I think I'll leave that to the current owners.

06-03-18, 03:44 AM
BPs eat hoppers right out of the egg, for only their first few meals, generally 3-5. So yes, pinkies are WAY too small.

Im not trying to be rude, but the questions you're asking should be asked LONG before you even consider purchasing a snake.

My two cents: hold off on this snake. Put in a few months of research. THEN decide if a snake is right for you.
IF you decide a snake is right for you there will be plenty of juveniles available over the next 6 months because it's currently hatching season.

By waiting you'll be able to get yourself a snake from a breeder who is already feeding F/T. It's much easier for a beginner and this way you'll know your snake will be healthy and well established on the prey you want to feed.
There are a million other pros to waiting as well, vs very few cons.
Take some time, do PROPER research and THEN bring home a living thing. Don't bring home a living thing BEFORE knowing how to care for it.