View Full Version : New Snake Owner - Found Egg in Cage

05-28-18, 08:44 PM
Hello All,

I bought a beautiful female corn snake on 3/30/18. She has been utterly alone since then. I JUST FOUND A FEW EGGS! Obviously I need to try and keep them alive. A few questions for guidance please. First, how? Is she having eggs with out a male around?! Do you think there alive? Should I incubate them with a diy kit or a real thing? How long do I wait for her to lay these eggs? How long after laying do I feed her? How long should I keep the eggs in there before taking them out? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! :freakedout:



EL Ziggy
05-29-18, 07:46 AM
Welcome aboard and best wishes GTJ. How old is your corn? I had a similar situation with my female bull snake this year. She's almost 5 and she's never been bred but she actually laid 2 clutches of eggs this year. I called the breeder I purchased her from and he confirmed that if they're sexually mature and in good health they can produce eggs on their own but since they're not fertilized I just disposed of them.

05-29-18, 07:30 PM

Do corn snakes lay eggs that wont hatch?

Its been about 60 days since I baught her and she's an adult. The snake shop I baught her from had her in with another snake. I feel like the possiblity of them being real are good. Should I leave them in there? Should I try to inccubate them? Should I feed her now or later?

06-01-18, 07:27 PM
An you get a picture so we can see if the eggs are fertile?