View Full Version : New setup

03-29-18, 12:29 AM

I am looking to purchase my first snake (either corn snake or ball python to get the wife used to it). I own a Bearded Dragon but the research I’ve done on rank setup is vastly different and just want to make sure I do it right.

I have a 40 gallon tank already and have the lid required for it... looking for any advice on what else I am going to need to make this cage as appealing and suitable as possible.


DJC Reptiles
03-29-18, 10:37 AM
Forest floor bedding looks pleasing to the eye, it’s also great bedding for either species. Decorate with cork wood, drift wood, and some fake plants. If your up for the challenge you can use real plants as well, just be cautious where you get them from. Hides, either places under brush, or in logs, or in a cardboard box are essential. A water dish should also be included. I prefer Under tank heaters, but it is your choice if you want to use something different. Under tank heaters allow humidity to stay in the air for a little longer, so if you choose a ball python, you might want to go with a UTH to prevent humidity from dropping below 45-50%. It also makes it easier to hold the necessary >60% humidity during the shed cycle.

EL Ziggy
03-29-18, 12:12 PM
DJC gave some good ideas of supplies you'll need. I'll only add that you will need a thermostat to regulate your heat source. I'd also advise investing in a temp gun so you can accurately measure the temps anywhere in the enclosure. Best wishes with your new addition.