View Full Version : Enclosure Size For Male Yellow Anaconda

Neon Aurora
03-27-18, 08:19 PM
Hi all.

I would like some advice. What is the ideal enclosure size for a 7 year old, slightly over 5.5 foot, 12 pound male yellow anaconda? He is currently in a 48'' x 24'' x 24''. He seems to me like he has plenty of room and I provide him with a "pond" that he is able to fully submerge in. Think it's too small? He's a very small yellow anaconda.

03-27-18, 11:00 PM
I would say that's the bare minimum L+W for the enclosure, so a 6' snake would be okay. IF you could to 6x3x2 or something like that later, that would probably be a little better.

Neon Aurora
03-28-18, 07:44 AM
Hmm, perhaps I'm misguided. I want to do what's best for my snake, but I'm confused.

I've had a hard time finding caresheets for yellow anacondas, so I tried looking at caresheets of snakes of similar size. I don't know if links are allowed, so I won't post one, but I found a caresheet for red-tail boas by Reptiles Magazine that says the rule is 1 square foot/foot of snake. It says a 4 x 2 foot enclosure is large enough for an 8 foot snake, and my snake isn't even close to that big.

Is the caresheet wrong? Or is is something anaconda specific?

03-28-18, 12:40 PM
Well, I'm not an expert, but from my previous experience with everyone on this website, it seems to be the norm.

Some websites say 3/4 of the snake's length for the length of the enclosure...so, that would be a 3' long enclosure for a 4' snake.

Someone else will chime in about this...have patience.

Hmm, perhaps I'm misguided. I want to do what's best for my snake, but I'm confused.

I've had a hard time finding caresheets for yellow anacondas, so I tried looking at caresheets of snakes of similar size. I don't know if links are allowed, so I won't post one, but I found a caresheet for red-tail boas by Reptiles Magazine that says the rule is 1 square foot/foot of snake. It says a 4 x 2 foot enclosure is large enough for an 8 foot snake, and my snake isn't even close to that big.

Is the caresheet wrong? Or is is something anaconda specific?

Neon Aurora
03-28-18, 01:03 PM
Okay, for now I'll just be patient and wait for more to chime in. =) I do of course want to make the right choice.

I did a re-measure with Serpwidgets and this time he came to almost exactly 6 feet. So either he grew a bit or the tool is just not wildly accurate. Maybe I'll take some pics later and do some more measures, and take an average.

(ruler in pic is 6 inches long)

EL Ziggy
03-29-18, 12:16 PM
I use the L x W formula for my enclosures so a 4x2 would be fine for an 8ft snake . My bull snake is about 7.5 ft and she has plenty of room in her 4x2.

Neon Aurora
03-29-18, 12:36 PM
Cool! He's definitely bigger bodied than a bull snake, but he's also only 6 feet, not 8. I think the 4 x 2 x 2 is good for him. He'll have a nice heated pond and some stuff to climb around on (I don't know about most yellow annies, but he likes to climb) to utilize the 2 foot vertical space.