View Full Version : The bank is broken...

03-03-03, 12:07 PM
I'm planning on buying an olive python and a black blood - both good sized snakes - and putting them in boaphile cages, plus my little amel corn won't be little for long, so he needs a new cage, too... and the final cost will be over $2000! That more than the price of all the snakes put together!!! I don't know how the people I see on here with ten snakes or more manage to put food on their own table!

Is there any way for me to save myself some of this cost? I'm not mechanically inclined, and I have no tools or shop space, so building is, I guess, not an option. *sigh* And I thought my old horse was expensive to keep! I just hope I can afford to buy snakes to put in my cages when all is said and done!

Weeping over my checkbook,

03-03-03, 12:51 PM
You dont know anyone with tools and a shop?

Maybe ask you local votech school tell them what u are planing on doing and most the time they will build if for ya, for a low cost plus the cost of supplies!

I build most of my cages with a few exceptions, and in turn I try to make money back by breeding...it has taking me many many years just to break even. So good luck :)

03-03-03, 01:04 PM
From what I understand, you have one snake and are planning to get two more. What dimensions are you looking at for these three enclosures. Let me know.

03-03-03, 01:28 PM
I have three snakes right now - two BPs, who are already in 4x2x1 boaphile cages, and a young corn who is in a ten gallon aquarium, which he is quickly outgrowing:( These are pets, not breeders, and I believe in the no-such-thing-as-too-much-space rule, so I plan to put the corn in a 4x2x18"high cage with a shelf to make use of the height. The olive will go in two cages of that size connected at the middle, both with shelves, which will equal a 8x2x18" cage, and the blood will go in two 4x2x1 cages, connected, making the total size for his cage 8x2x1. I'm hoping to sell one of the BPs soon, and will probably put a Honduran in that cage eventually.

This is the general size I want, and boaphile does make very nice, stackable cages. I have a vision cage that I just switched one of my BPs out of, and I *hated* it. It was impossible to heat to the right temp, didn't hold humidity for shite, and had no holes to run a cord through. The sliding glass doors weren't too convenient either, and would have been terrible for a larger snake.

The stackability is what draws me to boaphiles most, I think. I live in a fairly small apartment, so I don't have room for all the varying types of enclosures like so many people have. Plus, they hold in the heat and humidity really well.

- Victoria/Snow :w

03-03-03, 01:39 PM
Looks like you already have it planned out!

03-03-03, 02:06 PM
Yeah, everyhting is planned except the part about getting that much money! I'm saving money right now for a major move and for my wedding next year, so it makes me feel a little guilty spending so much on my snakes. Luckily my fiance is pretty understanding about my "unusual" hobby. he doesn't get it, but knows that I do, so he just smiles and nods, "ok, honey, I'll lend you some money to buy dead mice with" "No, I don't mind that there are dead rodents nestled next to my ice cream" But then, I haven't broken this new news to him yet! We'll see how understanding he really is!

- Victoria:w

03-03-03, 02:26 PM
Maybe you can use some old funature and turn it intio a cage
I have seen some and they look Great

Just a thought

Big Mike
03-03-03, 02:36 PM
If you can wait until your wedding....just register with Boaphile...lol

03-03-03, 03:42 PM
LOL, that's a good idea, but we're already going to be hitting guests up for money to pay for our honeymoon, instead of buying us dishes or something (I already have dishes, and everything else people usually get for wedding gifts)

On the verge of selling my body to pay for snakes,

03-03-03, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by SnowFoxx

On the verge of selling my body to pay for snakes,

We are going to need pictures ;) J/K

Grant vg
03-04-03, 02:00 AM

Are these snakes u want already adults??
If not, safe urself the stress and keep em in aquariums or rubbermaids for the time being until u can afford the boaphiles, excuse me if they are already adults.

03-04-03, 09:02 AM
No, I want babies. I know I can keep them in something smaller until they grow up, but...well, it's hard to explain, but if I don't buy the cages soon I won't have the money for them later. I'm moving to a lower paying job in the summer, and will have more bills. So there you go, not so hard to explain, I guess.

- Victoria:w

03-04-03, 04:33 PM
you could always try selling stuff!!! anyone want a shoe??
you do get some pretty damn big rubbermaids though.
old furniture is a good bet, cheap and pretty much ready made. im sure you could borrow a drill off someone!

03-04-03, 05:16 PM
Victoria, use rubbermaids as Grant stated... Cheap and work great! ;) Use heating pads for them and when you get the boaphiles you can use the heat rapds you were using from your rubbermaids with them.

03-06-03, 08:18 AM
I can build you fairly nice cages, at pretty much just the cost of the wood and plexiglass. Maybe $100.00 at the most for a melamine cage with plexilglass front, that it 4 ft, byt 2 ft. by 18 inches. I can even do it at my place. I just really like building cages, and like getting more experience. You would be welcome to come to my place and see some of the stuff I have built already, so you can see what the outcome would be like. I have no digital camera so cannot post any pics. If you interested feel free to send me a PM. BYE


Bryce Masuk
03-09-03, 03:57 PM
victoria do you know any one that owns a circular saw? and a pwoer drill thats all it takes to build melamine cages you buy one sheet of melamine at homedepot / revy it will cost about 25 bucks for 5/8 sheet 1/2 will work but 5/8ths is cheaper for some reason so just gets whats cheaper the you cut it in 4 equal pieces 4x2x2 then take one of these pieces and cut them in half for the sides thenscrew it together you can frame the plexiglass with fir stripping if you want for extra stiffness on the front but i do it a differnt way but you need a router table to do it it cost me 30 bucks to build my jcp's future cage but i had plexi

03-10-03, 09:17 AM
You don't even need the circular saw. You can get the melamine cut to size at home depot. They have this crazy saw, and it makes really exact cuts.

03-10-03, 01:57 PM
I own a screwdriver and a pair of needle-nose pliers. I have no friends (I'm serious) so no, unfortunately, I can't have someone else build something for me or use their shop. :( So, I'll start out with one more snake, then buy a new one each year with my tax return, I guess.

- Victoria :w

Bryce Masuk
03-10-03, 05:57 PM
well if home depot will cut it for you then you could persuade them to drill a couple of holes for you maybe for a tip or something If you are inventive you can make anything work

03-11-03, 11:27 AM
Home depot does not have a drill, only the saw.