View Full Version : 24x18x12

03-15-18, 03:03 PM
I have a 24x18x12exo terra... I am usually a boa and pythons guy. What would u put in it different

03-17-18, 05:46 PM
It's a bit small for anything really... Can be used for many juveniles though, but eventually need bigger.

03-17-18, 07:21 PM
I have a similarly sized terrarium. It was fine for my juvenile Brooks kingsnake for a while. Current occupant is my baby Russian rat snake. He is quite active & it has proved too small for him. He is moving into something bigger. (Cage being constructed this weekend.) After that, my baby Gargoyle gecko will move into it, but it won't be big enough for him when he's full grown.

Jim Smith
03-17-18, 09:24 PM
You could probably house Brown's Dekay snakes in it or some other small Colubrid species.