View Full Version : Mouse sizes?

03-10-18, 09:45 PM
Live feeding has been going well so far, she's actually eating now.

My first issue is that they might hurt her when she needs bigger, adult mice. The people at the feeder store I found seem to think she's ready to move on to fuzzies. Seeing as the two pinkie mice last week didn't give her any sort of issues or even a bulge, I think I agree?

I've tried feeding f/t but she refuses to eat them. Zombie dance, scenting, poking a hole in its head, etc.

Someone suggested I feed her a f/t pinkie immediately after the live. The problem with that is she prefers privacy when eating. She will not make an appearance unless the viv is closed and has been undisturbed for at least ten minutes. I've been leaving the pinkies on the warm side of the viv, in a clear spot for her to easily find them. I cannot simply poke a thawed pinkie in her face while she's swallowing a living-until-very-recently pinkie.

She did not have to open her mouth very far to swallow the pinkies, and she did so consecutively(she literally constricted them both at once, in different coils). It took her less than five minutes. If she is indeed ready for fuzzies, then that's fine.

My second issue is getting hopper mice.

The feeder stores don't appear to sell them. They sell Pinkie - Fuzzy - Adult. Do I just pick out a small adult when she's ready? I'm not sure how soon that will be, but it's something I've been thinking about.

If I continue to feed her live, I'll just have to babysit her while she eats adult rodents. But I'm not sure what I'll do if I can't find a correctly sized mouse when she outgrows fuzzies. Just... feed her lots of fuzzies at once I guess?

Jim Smith
03-10-18, 10:40 PM
Check locally to see if there are private individuals that sell feeders. I have one snake that will not eat F/T prey items. Instead of feeding live, I feed freshly stunned/killed prey items. From there you can sometimes switch them over to F/T if they're nice and warm. Good luck.

03-11-18, 02:21 AM
If the store is breeding their own feeder mice, their fuzzies will go through the hopper stage before they get to adult. I know the store I go to only lists pinkies and adults on their "menu" but they're more than happy to look through the different stage litters they have to find the fuzzies and hoppers.

03-11-18, 08:04 AM
When the snakes get bigger switch them to fuzzy rats that will buy you more time to get them on f/t

03-20-18, 04:17 PM
Well, I went to the store looking for fuzzies today!

They brought me a "fuzzy" that was actually a hopper.

At least I know where to get hopper mice! Ha!

Now just to find out where I can get fuzzies.