View Full Version : racer feeding issues

03-08-18, 11:37 AM
Been having some issues with Dr. Coil's (1 year old Racer) feeding and think I have it under control, but wanted to get some feedback to make sure I'm not screwing anything up.

The issue: At around the middle of November, he stopped eating. Beginning in middle of January he started eating again. Prior to him stopping, I had been feeding him 1-2 fuzzies since March/April of 2017 with no problems. So when he started eating again it was with 1 fuzzy. However about 2 days later he regurgitated/vomited (not sure which term is correct, it was partially digested). Waited a couple of weeks and tried again with a fuzzy, and same thing. Fearing it was temp related I raised the temps a couple of degrees (mid 80's to upper 80's) and when I fed him next it was a pinkie. This time, no regurge/vomit, so repeated with a pinkie the next meal and again, no problems. Thinking I was on the right track, the next two feedings I went up to 2 pinkies/feeding and still no problems. The last meal I tried 1 fuzzy again and he just regurged/vomited.

So now I'm not sure what to think. Is there some problem I need to worry about? Could it be a bad batch of fuzzies (all of the fuzzies he regurged were from the same batch)? Anything else I could be missing?

Any help/advice would be appreciated. For now, I'll be going back to pinkies, but would like to move back up to something more substantial eventually. Thanks.

03-08-18, 12:28 PM
Get new fuzzies and report back how well he ate it.

03-08-18, 06:30 PM
Get new fuzzies and report back how well he ate it.

Thanks, I'll give it a try. Probably go with pinkies the next meal just for my own fear of him regurgitating two meals in a row and going for a while without food, but will report back after trying a newer fuzzy after that.

04-07-18, 04:52 PM
Just wanted to update this in case anyone else had similar issues. After a few feedings with pinkies with no problems, I fed him a fuzzy this week from a new batch and everything went smoothly. So I guess I had a bad batch of fuzzies for some reason.

04-09-18, 12:41 PM
Just wanted to update this in case anyone else had similar issues. After a few feedings with pinkies with no problems, I fed him a fuzzy this week from a new batch and everything went smoothly. So I guess I had a bad batch of fuzzies for some reason.

It can happen. I would still space out the next fuzzy meal by a couple extra days to be on the safe side.