View Full Version : very strange behavior of my python

02-22-18, 07:20 PM
I have 7 month carpet python.
First she had 9.5 Liters box to live.
She usually lay on that branches at nights. After she was eating she was moving to her hide box where there is 33C and stay there 2 days.

Now I have made new enclosure for her.
New enclosure is 10 times bigger. She was in her hide box 4 days and yesterday she has shed and all night she was searching a way to escape. She didn't lay on branches at all. Mostly she trying get through a glass.

Tonight I feed her and she went to her warm hide box.
After 5 min I noticed she didn't rest but try to escape again.

She had her old hide box so she should stay calm as hide box has her scent.
After that I placed her old enclosure into new one. After I directed her to her hide box she was enter her head and right after come back and try escape again.
After About 10 min trying to escape she went to her hide box finally and now she is resting there.
Why she behave herself like that ?

EL Ziggy
02-22-18, 11:44 PM
I think snakes tend to be very inquisitive and on the lookout for escape routes whenever they're placed in a new environment. Nice looking carpet there Kazz. I like the enclosure and branches too.

02-23-18, 04:25 AM
I think snakes tend to be very inquisitive and on the lookout for escape routes whenever they're placed in a new environment.
She didn't try escape when she was in her small previous enclosure.
When I see how she try escape I am so sorry for that. I think she heel herself uncomfortable. So I open her viv and ask her what's the matter ))) and she try go down on a floor.
tend to be very inquisitive
I didn't think so. The matter when I let her explore my table she very often go to speakers and never come back.

Nice looking carpet there Kazz. I like the enclosure and branches too.
Oh thanks. I still wanna place some bushes to look a little bit more natural.

02-24-18, 08:46 PM
I would add another hide and some artificial plants to give it more hide options.

02-25-18, 03:40 AM
I would add another hide and some artificial plants to give it more hide options.

I wanna make decor but don't wanna use a foam and paints. So may be a lot of branches in a row. Still don't know.

02-26-18, 06:41 AM
I agree, I'd add some cover to add some security. I'm not sure how common pet stores are in your country, but if you have any around, maybe see if they have some affordable fake plant options. You can also look up YouTube videos, there's lots of non-toxic snake specific decor videos online that may be able to give you some inspiration. :)

Other than that, exploration behavior is quite normal in snakes, even right after a meal. They stay in feed mode anywhere from a few hours to a few days after eating, and then after that will generally hide away.

02-26-18, 08:27 AM
You can also look up YouTube videos, there's lots of non-toxic snake specific decor videos online that may be able to give you some inspiration. :)
what are key words to search ?

Other than that, exploration behavior is quite normal in snakes, even right after a meal. They stay in feed mode anywhere from a few hours to a few days after eating, and then after that will generally hide away.
So is this Ok she stick herself in any hole at night making a lot of noise ?

Thanks for your reply.

02-26-18, 12:46 PM
So is this Ok she stick herself in any hole at night making a lot of noise ?

Thanks for your reply.

are you saying she goes towards sound?

02-26-18, 12:50 PM
are you saying she goes towards sound?

no. She crawls under paper and makes a lot of noise. I am going place dry Sphagnum on a floor. Can I ? She goes to a light towards a glass side.

02-26-18, 02:57 PM
You should be able to find the videos by searching for homemade reptile decor, or DIY reptile decor.

Yup, they can be noisy when exploring, so long as it isn't hurting itself, such as with nose rub, and husbandry is good, I wouldn't worry too much.

If you put sphagnum moss on the floor, I'd suggest taking the newspaper out and just covering the floor with it, or the newspaper could mold. You could also make a humid hide and just stuff that with moss. Something like a tub with just one entrance hole should be fine, you don't want to use something porous like cardboard here.

Something like these should work.



02-26-18, 03:16 PM
You should be able to find the videos by searching for homemade reptile decor, or DIY reptile decor.
Almost all ppl use styrofoam to decor. I don't think it's a good idea. Styrofoam is quite dad stuff due to oxidation. I know there is a lot bad materials in ppl's flats but I'd like make something healthier for a snake.

I know about humidity box but my snake like warm hide box and never use cold one. May be I will make a large hide box so it would contain humidity box.

02-27-18, 05:10 AM
If you put sphagnum moss on the floor, I'd suggest taking the newspaper out and just covering the floor with it, or the newspaper could mold.
I can use as substrate sphagnum moss or pine bark https://www.mulch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/barks_Pine-bark_980x650.jpg
What would be best for carpet and easy to to remove excrement ?

02-27-18, 06:20 AM
pine is generally considered toxic to snakes but there are some pine products marketed for reptiles. I just avoid it all to be safe, but I have plenty of options. You might not.

02-27-18, 06:28 AM
I don't recommend either substrate unfortunately. Cypress repels water once dried, which isn't good for humidity. Not that a carpet needs much, but you still want a moderate amount from what I understand.

As for the pine bark, the oils are toxic to snakes, and can cause RIs over a long period of time. It isn't even recommended for mammals without a highly ventilated area.

What other sorts of beddings do you have at your disposal?

02-27-18, 08:38 AM
@bigsnakegirl785, IDvsEGO what about sphagnum or just a paper is ok?

What other sorts of beddings do you have at your disposal?
sorry cant understand (

02-27-18, 12:54 PM
Kiln dried pine shavings have been used for decades in the hobby and doesn't have toxicity issues...but the bark would probably not be a good first choice.

02-27-18, 02:34 PM
@bigsnakegirl785, IDvsEGO what about sphagnum or just a paper is ok?

sorry cant understand (

Just the sphagnum, no paper. The paper will rot underneath the moss.

Sorry, what other bedding types are available in your country? I know some of the beddings we have here in the US aren't available in other countries, or are hard to find.

Kiln dried pine shavings have been used for decades in the hobby and doesn't have toxicity issues...but the bark would probably not be a good first choice.

I hear that a lot, but surely the oils are still there? If it were to get wet or heated up, surely that would release the oils? You can evaporate water, but I'm not sure you can just evaporate the aromatics away.

02-27-18, 02:44 PM
@bigsnakegirl785, so sphagnum is better than paper for carpet?

02-27-18, 08:23 PM
I hear that a lot, but surely the oils are still there? If it were to get wet or heated up, surely that would release the oils? You can evaporate water, but I'm not sure you can just evaporate the aromatics away.

Oils vapour off during the process. A side note- lignocel has pine in it, yet it's very popular in europe.

02-28-18, 03:22 AM
My snake again behave herself unusually. 5 fays ago she ate. Small box, full dark, 5 secs ans she attacked quail. After that she was as in told in a first post. After 2 days she come out from hide box and crawl all night. Next day my Nephew came and I get my snake on my hands and after 10 sec let her crawl back. After that 3 days she dont leave her hide box.
it's feeding time should I get her out of her box and feed her or should I wait her coming out?

03-01-18, 08:26 AM
The behaviour you are explaining is not unusual. It's pretty normal for a small young snake to want to hide, especially after being moved into a large enclosure and with being handled. The move to the newer enclosure is pretty recent, and unless you have added a LOT more clutter since those pictures, your snake will probably remain hidden for a lot of the time. As long as it is eating and illness isn't present, everything is fine. I don't know what you mean by getting her out of the box to feed. Do you mean that you feed in a separate cage?

03-01-18, 08:47 AM
I don't know what you mean by getting her out of the box to feed. Do you mean that you feed in a separate cage?
usually yes.
but yesterday I saw she was looking out so I move her to a branch and she took her meal from a plate without complete dark.
so this is was first time she swallow prey on a branch. The only problem she took quail at the middle of a row.

08-21-18, 03:24 AM
So guys.
Now my carpet stops hiding in her warm hide-box with heat pad. She don't hide 4 days already. 3 days she was on branches and 1 day on a floor of terrarium. At a day the temperature is 26-28 C. In hide box is 32.5 C. I am worry she don't get warm basking on heat pad.

08-21-18, 07:56 AM
So guys.
Now my carpet stops hiding in her warm hide-box with heat pad. She don't hide 4 days already. 3 days she was on branches and 1 day on a floor of terrarium. At a day the temperature is 26-28 C. In hide box is 32.5 C. I am worry she don't get warm basking on heat pad.

If she needed the heat, she'd use it. Considering their semi-arboreal nature, I would expect them to favor their branches, so ambient heaters would be a better set up vs just belly heat imo.

In the meantime, get a temp gun to scan the surface temp and make sure the heat pad isn't too hot. It's possible it may be getting too warm, and that's why she isn't using it anymore. The surface above the pad will be much warmer than the air, so I wouldn't rely on the ambient hide box temps only. Unless the 32.5C is referring to the surface temp?

08-21-18, 08:27 AM
If she needed the heat, she'd use it. Considering their semi-arboreal nature, I would expect them to favor their branches, so ambient heaters would be a better set up vs just belly heat imo.
The matter she was always sleep in her hide during the day. Maybe she becoming adult and change her behaving ?

In the meantime, get a temp gun to scan the surface temp and make sure the heat pad isn't too hot.It's possible it may be getting too warm, and that's why she isn't using it anymore.
there is thermostat . So as I said it's 32.5 C is at a half of hide-box and second half of a hide-box has no heating. The surface above the pad will be much warmer than the air, so I wouldn't rely on the ambient hide box temps only. Unless the 32.5C is referring to the surface temp?
thermal sensor is clued right on heat pad.

08-21-18, 09:06 AM
She certainly could, snakes seem to change behaviors throughout their lives. She could also just for whatever reason be in a mood to perch for the time being.

If the sensor is right on the pad then it's likely pretty close, I always use a temp gun just in case anyways. I'm not sure where you keep your heat pad, but mine are on the outside with the thermostat probe in between the bottom of the enclosure and the heat tape. So, the surface of the enclosure under the bedding is several degrees cooler than what the probe reads on average. If I didn't have my temp gun, the heat tape would be so cool it wouldn't even make a noticeable difference inside the enclosure.

I'm assuming either your pad is inside the enclosure, or you have a way to measure inside the hide in addition to the attached probe?

08-21-18, 09:29 AM
I'm assuming either your pad is inside the enclosure, or you have a way to measure inside the hide in addition to the attached probe?
My heat pad I have made myself from a couple of glass and nichrom wire. The heat pad is in enclosure. I can feel the heat from heat pad very slightly. Another thermometer shows 31 C. If heater warms too hard I'd feel it with my palm.

Anyway the hide box has two parts : one is heated and one isn't heated. She can choose any temperature . Before her behaving was changed I was opening her hide box and saw she was on cold side.

May be I should place heat had on branches ?

08-22-18, 06:48 PM
I'm always nervous about direct contact with heat sources...if you add anything to branches I'd honestly go with a CHE bulb in a cage or a heat panel if those are available in your country.

08-28-18, 05:39 PM
I'm always nervous about direct contact with heat sources..
BTW viperkeeper from youtube said he use heat rocks back from 70-th and had no problem and a snake must be very stupid if it can't go away if it's *** is getting burned.
My snake have returned to hide-box and going to shed. Will see how she behave herself after shedding.

08-28-18, 08:07 PM
BTW viperkeeper from youtube said he use heat rocks back from 70-th and had no problem and a snake must be very stupid if it can't go away if it's *** is getting burned.

Kazz have you heard the frog in boiling water metaphor? It is apt here. If you put a frog in boiling water, it will immediately jump out. But if you put a frog in cool water and slowly raise the temperature, the frog won't jump and will boil to death because it doesn't notice the gradual rise in temperature.

If a snake goes to lie on a rock that is already way too hot, it will move off the hot rock and not get burned. But if a snake is on a warm rock that gradually overheats because it is malfunctioning or unregulated, like the frog, it won't notice the rise in temperature and will get injured. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

EL Ziggy
08-28-18, 08:43 PM
Snakes are pretty easy pets to care for and carpets are no exception. Create a proper thermal gradient, provide hides on the cool side and the warm side, feed the snake in it's enclosure, and let the snake do the rest. There's really not much more to it.

08-28-18, 09:51 PM
Personally kept a garter snake when I was 7 or 8...back when hot rocks were recommended. It wrapped around the hot rock and was severely burned. I don't care what viperkeeper says or does, I think it is a stupid choice to use a hot rock based on my first hand experience. I also agree with the above posters. No a snake will not move to avoid being burned...sometimes they will coil around a bulb...why do you think people put a guard around heat bulbs? Also, like zig kind of hinted to...I think you're overthinking a lot, Kazz. Provide proper temps, humidity, water and security (hides), feed accordingly, and let the snake be a snake. :)

08-30-18, 03:55 AM
Kazz have you heard the frog in boiling water metaphor?

Yes. I have heard this. But viperkeeper keeps his snakes from 70-th and he has over 300 venomous snakes.

08-30-18, 04:00 AM
Snakes are pretty easy pets to care for and carpets are no exception. Create a proper thermal gradient, provide hides on the cool side and the warm side, feed the snake in it's enclosure, and let the snake do the rest. There's really not much more to it.
well. The habitat of my snake has no changes but her behavior have changed so this is why I ask question. Conditions of her enclosure don't change for year except temperature of my room. On other side temperature of my room gave her a winter sense.

08-30-18, 04:03 AM
I don't care what viperkeeper says or does
I like his videos a lot. As he says he do educational videos and that's a true.
Personally I prefer use thermostats. BTW viperkeeper uses thermostats too )

08-30-18, 08:48 AM
I like his videos a lot. As he says he do educational videos and that's a true.
Personally I prefer use thermostats. BTW viperkeeper uses thermostats too )

Many people do, and he has every right to keep his animals the way he sees fit, and he has had success doing so, but that doesn't change the fact that hot rocks are absolute garbage. I'm surprised to know that he uses them and it disappoints me that he advocates them and promotes the use of them in his videos.

09-05-18, 06:32 AM
I'm surprised to know that he uses them and it disappoints me that he advocates them and promotes the use of them in his videos.

He don't advocates to use them. He just said he used them with problems. He use thermostats and hydrometer with wi-fi connection.

DJC Reptiles
09-06-18, 08:01 PM
Snakes are pretty easy pets to care for and carpets are no exception. Create a proper thermal gradient, provide hides on the cool side and the warm side, feed the snake in it's enclosure, and let the snake do the rest. There's really not much more to it.

Why snakes make great pets, and why I love them.

09-15-18, 05:00 AM
hi , guys. I am going go on with strange behavior of my snake.
Under front door of vivarium I have made an ventilation enter. It's a 2cm crack along the door. That crack covered with a grid. My snake try to find way out through that grid. She just keep doing that all the night and at the morning she don't do to her warm hide. I take her head and lead to an enter of her hide and she go to sleep. It keeps several weeks already.
Viperkeeper said snakes can feel where is the wind go from and just try go there.
But the matter when a snake do this heat pad is off so there is no air movement and snake can't detect where is the air coming from.

09-15-18, 05:43 AM
I am going change coating material of walls.

09-15-18, 07:32 AM
hi , guys. I am going go on with strange behavior of my snake.
Under front door of vivarium I have made an ventilation enter. It's a 2cm crack along the door. That crack covered with a grid. My snake try to find way out through that grid. She just keep doing that all the night and at the morning she don't do to her warm hide. I take her head and lead to an enter of her hide and she go to sleep. It keeps several weeks already.
Viperkeeper said snakes can feel where is the wind go from and just try go there.
But the matter when a snake do this heat pad is off so there is no air movement and snake can't detect where is the air coming from.

Still nothing out of the ordinary happening, Kazz.

09-28-18, 03:45 AM
hi, guys. Her behavior is getting more and more strange.
So I ripped off all silicone sealant from walls and covered it with several layers of acrylic varnish. Also I have remade ventilation system, renewed her hide box and enter of hide box.
What have changed ?
She stops to ram a ventilation system but started ram a glass. Usually she appear fron her hide box at 18-19h and starts ram a glass. After 3-4 hours I let her explore my room. After 2-3 hours I put her in an enclosure and finally she stops ram the glass and go to upper branches. BUT now she don't go to hide box to sleep and get warm. I take a branch with her, put a branch down and direct her head to entrance of hide-box and she so to sleep and get warm.
This scenario was 7 days. Yesterdays night I didn't let her go from her viv and today at 9.00 I found her ramming a glass. She was never ramming a glass at the morning. I tried to direct her head to a hide-box and she didn't go. As far as she had heater in her hide-box I checked warm of heater and it's temperature sensor.
I tried to install lower temperature to 31C. She come back to glass. I let her explore my room at day time.
What I should to do ?

09-28-18, 07:02 AM
Only your snake really knows why she is doing this. After her, you would be better able to discover the reason. If you want someone to offer their opinion of what they think might be going on, I will oblige. It's really long & just my best guess.

Short version: She's knocking to get out. You let her out, rewarding her for knocking. She repeats the behavior next time she wants out. You let her out again. Now she has trained you to let her out when she knocks. If you don't want her to knock, stop letting her out when she does it.

Long version: Her behavior doesn't sound strange to me. It sounds like she was looking for a way out. She started bumping against the glass & at some point you opened it, letting her out. If that is what she wanted, then you just rewarded her for knocking. To me, it sounds like your snake has done a good job or training you. "If I keep knocking on the door, he will let me out." We can't say why she started doing this but I'm going to guess she was looking for a way out. After that, you rewarded her for knocking by letting her out. Behaviors that get rewarded have a high likelihood of being repeated.

You can probably get her to stop by first making sure her cage is a place where she wants to be. After that you will need to teach her that knocking on the door will not get you to let her out. In theory, the solution is simple. Never let her out when she is knocking. Only let her out when she is NOT knocking.

Note that I said, "In theory..." The problem is that while we can train our pets to do things, we can also be trained ourselves. :D If you don't like her behavior and can stop it by opening the door, then you have been rewarded for opening her door. That makes it more likely you will open the door the next time she knocks.

While it is best if you never open the door while she's knocking, you may not be able to always follow that rule. If for some reason you feel you must open the door while she is knocking, it would be best to open it as soon as possible when she starts knocking rather than waiting a long time & then finally giving in. If you wait a long time before opening it, then you are teaching her that persistence pays off. If you don't let her out early in the behavior then absolutely don't let her out at all. If she only has to knock a couple times before you open then she learns that she doesn't have to keep repeating the behavior. She also learns that if her first couple knocks don't get a reward, she isn't going to be rewarded at all. So you are basically shortening the duration of the time she will continue knocking. When you get to that point, you should be able to stop the behavior completely by ignoring it every time. This is when the behavior stops completely because it no longer gets any reward at all.

Once the behavior is gone, you want to make sure she doesn't have a need to start doing it again. Going back to the beginning of my thoughts, why does she want to get out so much? Is her cage as comfortable & interesting enough that she can be content to stay inside it?

09-28-18, 08:57 AM
ow she has trained you to let her out when she knocks.
I have thought about it. It can be true but why she stop hiding at daytime getting warn there ? It's quite cold now 20C. It's not a problem if she's getting warm while she sleeps at daytime. That's what concern me most. Because winter is coming and temperature at my room will drop to 18C, if she stops sleep in warm hide-box she get RI.

09-28-18, 09:10 AM
What are the temperatures in her warm hide, cool hide and the high and low temps in the enclosure outside her hides?

09-28-18, 12:04 PM
What are the temperatures in her warm hide, cool hide and the high and low temps in the enclosure outside her hides?
warm hide is 32-33C. Cool side is room temperature. Now it's 20. She live 14 month like that.

09-29-18, 02:56 AM
today she didn't go to warm hide again. I took a branch with her and direct her in her hide. After a half of hour she was partially out and stay like that

09-29-18, 06:02 AM
Ok. I solved the problem and now she stays in her warm hide:yes:
So how did I do it ?
I closed side entrance to her hide and made it on the upper side. That's it.
1st Version. And now I don't know maybe it was too hot to breath ? When entrance is on upper side the air is moving from heater inside her hide through upper entrance. I don't think the snake is so stupid to don't find upper entrance if she want to go out ?
2nd Version. Version 1 can't be really truth bc she didn't just lay her head of part of her body outside making easy to breath. She was moving to glass again.

10-01-18, 01:38 AM
Well it's time for update.
She act herself the same way. Stay at daytime on branches, after going into her hide she com back to ram a glass ((
I can't direct her to hide-box every morning and closed her to prevent escape from her hide-bot to get warmth.

10-03-18, 07:53 AM
Update. I have moved her hide-box with heat pad on branches. It gives nothing. After 1 hour she come back ramming a glass.

EL Ziggy
10-03-18, 10:14 AM
Kazz- What behavior is your snake displaying that you think is abnormal? If she has proper heat, food, water and hides she should be fine. I could be wrong but it sounds to me like you're trying to direct her to where you think she should be.

10-03-18, 01:15 PM
Kazz- What behavior is your snake displaying that you think is abnormal? If she has proper heat, food, water and hides she should be fine. I could be wrong but it sounds to me like you're trying to direct her to where you think she should be.


I see no problem here. You're obsessing over things that don't matter. Give the snake proper space, proper hides, proper temps, and proper humidity. Feed when needed, clean when needed, handle at your pleasure, and that's it. ANYTHING else is overthinking things. At this point I am not sure what you're looking for. Of course it will exhibit slightly different behaviour when you make changes to husbandry or it's cage. Once again normal.

10-03-18, 02:21 PM
Kazz- What behavior is your snake displaying that you think is abnormal?
Winter is coming. The temperature can drop to 16C (as nocturne snake she lost her body's warmth at night ). It's Ok if snake will get a warmth during her sleep at day. But she don't go sleep and she don't get a warmth.
She will catch RI!

Actually carpet pythons get till 10C wile breeding and it's ok if they get warmth at day.

10-03-18, 02:23 PM
Of course it will exhibit slightly different behaviour when you make changes to husbandry or it's cage. Once again normal.

I didn't change something. Just replace one cardboard hide-box to another on the same heat pad.

10-03-18, 03:28 PM
Winter is coming. The temperature can drop to 16C (as nocturne snake she lost her body's warmth at night ). It's Ok if snake will get a warmth during her sleep at day. But she don't go sleep and she don't get a warmth.
She will catch RI!

Actually carpet pythons get till 10C wile breeding and it's ok if they get warmth at day.

It's still fine. You do a great job of providing everything your snake needs now let the snake do it's thing. It knows when it needs heat and doesn't and will find it when it does.

This is like me going "well it's noon so it's lunch time and I proceed to shovel food into your mouth even though you tell me you aren't hungry because I know best. I know what you need/when you need it. Your body doesn't know." This is what you're doing to your snake.

I didn't change something. Just replace one cardboard hide-box to another on the same heat pad.

I always found snakes don't like new hides and refuse to use them for a week or so after changing them.

EL Ziggy
10-03-18, 04:15 PM
If you provide the proper heating gradient the snake will use them as needed. I'd keep those ambient temps above 16C and closer to 23C during the winter months. As long as she has access to a hot spot at all times, or at least during the day, she should be fine. I give my carpets a hot spot year around but my temps do drop some during the winter and I feed them less.

10-03-18, 04:32 PM
EL Ziggy, It knows when it needs heat and doesn't and will find it when it does.

How long can a python be without heating with no risk to get RI ?

10-03-18, 04:36 PM
I'd keep those ambient temps above 16C and closer to 23C during the winter months.
It will be 18-22C in a room. It don't depends on me unfortunately. Last winter was her fist winter and she was fine. But she got warmth every day time.

10-04-18, 06:43 AM
I didn't change something. Just replace one cardboard hide-box to another on the same heat pad.

...that changes a spot in the cage where they are supposed to feel secure, so yes you did.

10-04-18, 06:46 AM
EL Ziggy,

How long can a python be without heating with no risk to get RI ?

If proper temps/husbandry is provided, this won't occur. With proper husbandry snakes will not make themselves sick. Your snake knows what it needs better than you do. That is what everyone is trying to tell you.

10-04-18, 09:17 AM
It will be 18-22C in a room. It don't depends on me unfortunately. Last winter was her fist winter and she was fine. But she got warmth every day time.

I'm not sure why you are worried about the temperatures in the room. That doesn't matter. It is the temperatures in your snake's cage that matter. Just provide the proper temperature range in her cage, with safe, comfortable hides on both the cool and warm ends. She will choose what she needs.

As long as you have provided her with a safe, comfortable habitat, you don't really have a reason to worry. Her changes in behavior do not seem to be a concern. The only possible problem you have mentioned is her knocking on the glass. If it escalates to a stereotypical behavior then that may be a problem.

I do have sympathy for you. It concerns me any time my snake's behaviors change. In the two years since getting my first snake, I have repeatedly expressed worry about variances in my kingsnake's behavior. So much so that my boyfriend and I have a running joke about it. Me, "Look what he's doing. He's never done that before. Why has he started doing that?" Boyfriend, "Does it worry you? Is something wrong? Should you take him to the vet?" This has happened over & over again. The only time there was a problem was when he started soaking in his water bowl far too much. He had mites. When the mites were gone, things went back to normal.

For the record, I worry about my dogs just as much. Boyfriend always says that I would take my dogs to the vet for yawning too much. I've pointing out that in dogs, yawning can be a sign of stress and/or pain. So yes, I would in fact take them to the vet for yawning too much. :rolleyes:

10-05-18, 06:32 PM
...that changes a spot in the cage where they are supposed to feel secure, so yes you did.

I have change cardboard hide-boxes several times. And there wasn't any behavior changes. I even tried back old cardboard hide-box. It doesn't help.

10-05-18, 06:35 PM
If proper temps/husbandry is provided, this won't occur. With proper husbandry snakes will not make themselves sick. Your snake knows what it needs better than you do. That is what everyone is trying to tell you.

So if a snake don't go to warm hide-box and stays under 20C at day and night it's ok ?

10-05-18, 06:46 PM
I'm not sure why you are worried about the temperatures in the room. That doesn't matter. It is the temperatures in your snake's cage that matter.
because I didn't see anyone use two heater to provide 24-28C on cool side.

comfortable hides on both the cool and warm ends.
I had hide on cool side she don't use it at all fo more than a year. Viperkeeper don't provide 2 hides.

I just don't wanna she get RI. We don't have vets in my town, I don't have a car bc in Ukraine having car it's very expensive and if even ppl buy a car it's a 5year one from Europe. So if she get RI she it will be a big problem.

10-09-18, 08:22 AM
So if a snake don't go to warm hide-box and stays under 20C at day and night it's ok ?

Yes. they don't just die when the temperature hits a certain level. It'll be fine. Also you sleep right? Work? Go to school? The snake can go onto it's heat spot and move back to where you think you left it while you're away.

12-27-18, 12:08 PM
I'd like to write update. I have placed snake's heat-pad on a branch. That's the only place she sleeps accept other branch a bit lower. She's doing fine.

12-27-18, 06:58 PM
That's good to hear.
Her yawning is so cute!

12-29-18, 07:56 PM
You know I used to think snake so stupid they pee in their hide-boxes and caves.
But a couple minutes ago I noticed my snake lowered her tail from her nest to pee. I was shocked )
Perhaps it was first and last time she did it ) but I am impressed.
And she started pushing my hand when I touch her in her nest ) Not every time though. She definitely get used to touching by my hands.