View Full Version : My garter doesnt want to open one side of his mouth

01-21-18, 09:18 AM
I've only had my garter since August 2017, and he's also my first snake. Earlier this week I've noticed that he's been huffing (which sounds like a sneeze), along with clicking, and opening his mouth. Yesterday he started refusing to open one side of his mouth, and he kept rubbing his head and jaw against his water dish. I've read on other forums that the mouth opening, clicking, and huffing are signs of an RI, but he has no snot coming from his nose. I'd really like some help, because I'm worried about him and my family cannot afford a visit to the vets. Mainly because the vet probably woul dnt be able to do anything.

DJC Reptiles
01-22-18, 08:27 AM
Yeah, sounds to me it's probably a respiratory infection. Start by correcting husbandry mistakes, make sure all of the temps are good. You should also increase the overall temperature of the enclosure by a few degrees which will hopefully boost his immune system. You can also try fogging a 5-10% solution of F10 veterinary disinfectant into a box with the snake in it. This can be done with a humidifier. F10 is available for purchase on Amazon. This may or may not work, I have heard mixed reviews about it but the idea is the snake breathes it in, and it kills any harmful bacteria. F10 is completely harmless to the snake.