View Full Version : Tsubaki's snakes update.
01-15-18, 10:43 AM
Sooo, Most of my snakes are doing absolutely fine, haven't shared much lately because I have actually been incredibly sick. I'm doing ok now though.. So here's some updates/random pics for the hell of it. Because there are 0 pictures left on the forum since photobucket cr*pped itself.
Here's my wildcaught surinamese redtails last summer, they're quite a bit bigger now but these are my favourite pictures of them! These show their colour properly.
The male (Lucifer)
And the female (Lillith)
Here's the most recent (bad) picture of Lillith, she's grown quite a bit in last few months. Went from rat hoppers to mediums and doesn't mind handling too much if I let her do her thing.
This is the most recent picture of Lucifer, he was in shed in which he is always incredibly grumpy so no handling picture haha. He's now bigger than Lillith by 75 grams even though they eat the same, he is just a larger specimen.
Loki (Labyrinth burm) has been doing perfect, eating like a champ and grown a LOT. He's no longer a runt, he's quite a decent size for his age!
This my my favourite picture of him
And this is the most recent one, It's not a very good picture. He was also in shed! My snakes like to go into shed all at the same time. He's about 11ft I think but i haven't measured him in ages, he's eating XXL rabbits now.
Out of picture space, more to come!
01-15-18, 10:59 AM
Kira (Selayer retic) is doing great, he had a little adventure 2 months ago. I had a lot of people helping with some construction in my house, and someone put a large object in front of the terrariums.. Which.. fell.. Causing one of his sliders to break, and Kira going awol! We ended up finding him really fast, because he isn't exactly small or subtle... He did scrape his head though... But it has healed perfectly fine after a few sheds!
First my fav pictures of this boy,
We found him by following the noise, he broke a lot of stuff in our storage! luckily they can't leave the attic if they get out, but still!
And here the picture of his head after we managed to get him back down... Poor guy... he also had a small cut on his belly probably from the broken glass in his enclosure but that healed quickly. Was happy with my spare slider, because he doesn't really fit in any of my other enclosures.
This is him 2 days ago, freshly shed. Always curious!
This is his head 2 days ago, 4 sheds later. Looking good!
01-15-18, 11:12 AM
Zuko (Purple albino) is without issues as always, growing well; getting quite big.
My favourite picture of his
Old but really funny picture of his greedy ***.
Recent pic, 2 days ago. He shed later that day haha,
Don't have really good recent picture of Diablo, so just some favourites. He's in rest now, I wasn't planning on doing that but he decided he was going to with oor without my help.. So i just helped him.. Because of that I haven't seen him in a while! he's doing well though no worries!
01-15-18, 11:22 AM
Hiro (genetic Stripe SD) has no left over damage from that one time he was a little suicidal, and is still a perfect snake! He's large enough for big rats now, wonder how big (small) he's going to get!
And a (cute but bad) recent picture of his hyperness.
I'll update about my ' newest ' addition in the topic i made for her.
01-15-18, 02:56 PM
Thanks for the great pics!
EL Ziggy
01-16-18, 09:32 AM
Your critters all look amazing Tsu. Hiro is really special though. :)
DJC Reptiles
01-16-18, 09:53 AM
Absolutely amazing snakes! You got yourself a living art museum in your house!
01-16-18, 10:26 AM
Hiro is fantastic. All are very nice though. I love our red tail but I cant help but be jealous over the striking red shades that I see in some of the examples on this forum.
DJC Reptiles
01-16-18, 10:33 AM
Hiro is fantastic. All are very nice though. I love our red tail but I cant help but be jealous over the striking red shades that I see in some of the examples on this forum.
The name red-tail boa refers to a lot more than just the Colombian red tail boa. Suriname red tail boas are commonly called, true red tails because they exhibit a much more intensified red color on their tails. That is why the red tails here look much more fascinating. Most likely you have a Colombian red tail, but now looks like you might have to get a Suriname red tail too :)
01-16-18, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the great pics!
glad to share! love my snakes :)
Your critters all look amazing Tsu. Hiro is really special though. :)
Don't tell him that though, he's already very full of himself :D
Absolutely amazing snakes! You got yourself a living art museum in your house!
Thank you! I used to keep alot of snakes. But now I just wanted the prime examples of my all time favourites. Spend a lot of time finding what i considerd to be perfect specimens to my taste :) Only thing I didnt find were Argentine boas ! But I want to keep my numbers low because we're quite busy in life, and I want low numbers so I can just enjoy my hobby in peace.
Hiro is fantastic. All are very nice though. I love our red tail but I cant help but be jealous over the striking red shades that I see in some of the examples on this forum.
Hiro is definetly a pretty boy, sad his girl passed away his offspring would've been nice to see. I'm sure your redtail is gorgeous! These are wildcaught surinamese those tend to have really red tails.
01-16-18, 11:10 AM
The name red-tail boa refers to a lot more than just the Colombian red tail boa. Suriname red tail boas are commonly called, true red tails because they exhibit a much more intensified red color on their tails. That is why the red tails here look much more fascinating. Most likely you have a Colombian red tail, but now looks like you might have to get a Suriname red tail too :)
Yep, mine is a Columbian. Maybe one day I will add my own lilith, because she is stunning. But I am after a gtp as my next pickup. We added 3 snakes and a crestie at repticon last weekend and my wife is like "no more"..but still drools over the gtp. I am not stupid so I know my next add has to be one of those.
DJC Reptiles
01-16-18, 11:55 AM
Yep, mine is a Columbian. Maybe one day I will add my own lilith, because she is stunning. But I am after a gtp as my next pickup. We added 3 snakes and a crestie at repticon last weekend and my wife is like "no more"..but still drools over the gtp. I am not stupid so I know my next add has to be one of those.
Lol, that's kind of how it goes :), luckily green tree pythons are amazing snakes, so hard to find captive bred though.
01-16-18, 12:20 PM
Lol, that's kind of how it goes :), luckily green tree pythons are amazing snakes, so hard to find captive bred though.
Yeah, we are trying to kind of hold off and see how the hobby adapts to the species demand. Hopefully captive bred becomes more common.
01-16-18, 03:19 PM
Gtps are beautiful, absolutely not my kind of snake but I love seeing pictures :D So if you get one, don't be shy!
Lol, that's kind of how it goes :), luckily green tree pythons are amazing snakes, so hard to find captive bred though.
Yeah, we are trying to kind of hold off and see how the hobby adapts to the species demand. Hopefully captive bred becomes more common.
It’s amazing how different the availability of certain snake species is between the US and the European market. If you take a look at "" the German (European) equivalent to fauna classifieds you can find at least ten different offers for CB green tree pythons (Morelia viridis) from January and late December alone, when I was at the Hamm expo in December I saw several private breeders offering their offspring. On the other hand there are several species available in the US you simply can’t find here…
Tsubaki, amazing snakes, even if they are definitely not MY kind of snakes…
01-17-18, 08:06 AM
Gorgeous as always! All my snakes like to sync sheds, too...I just had 3 shed and now Demigod is getting ready to shed, too. Only one got left out. Nymeria, as per the usual. Even with a prey size increase I got nada. She grows a lot more in between sheds than my other snakes do.
01-17-18, 08:51 AM
Thanks! And I have the same thing haha, Loki at 3 years old doesnt shed much at all, while Kira at 9 years old sheds twice as much as him. It's weird but hey if they're healthy I won't complain. Ooh Diablo only sheds twice in a year, he did grow though.
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