View Full Version : reticulated python

12-30-17, 07:20 PM
I have read that some zoos will feed their large pythons chicken breast or chicken pieces
I asked ppl if they ever have and some ppl said they have indeed fed theirs store brought chicken and never had a problem ...now I know it doesn’t provide maybe some nutrients completely like a rat or rabbit would but can it be a potentially life threatening situation as a pet ? Can’t u get some powdered supplements for extra support?? And I’m talking about a store brought chicken with bones and non gmo ? Please get back to me

DJC Reptiles
12-31-17, 12:54 AM
Why would you want to feed chicken in the first place? How do you know your snake will like it? Supplements are really hard to control, it is much better to feed a good complete diet of rodents.

12-31-17, 06:25 PM
I know she likes it because I was going through hard times and I fed her one and she instantly jumped right to it so I fed another and she ate it no problem ...like I said I seen others try but I wanted to just know what can be negative outcomes and I done this a few times and she still is perfectly healthy...she’d and all