View Full Version : Frustrating

12-23-17, 04:54 PM
We are building a custom Habitat for our Red Tailed Boa Natia. She is currently in an aquarium and desperately needs to be in her new home.

We have looked at several types of heating elements for the habitat, however we are getting frustrated since there are so many options.

Can anyone recommend a quality product? There will be astroturf in the bottom of the enclosure which will be removable. We obviously want this to be safe and not create a fire hazard.

Thank you!

DJC Reptiles
12-23-17, 09:40 PM
Yes she desperately needs a new cage. I would go for a 72"x24"24" (LxWxH). That is the minimum for a female of this species, bigger would be better. You can use any sort of heat pad, or heat tape, use a temperature thermostat and probe to make sure the temperature doesn't exceed unhealthy levels. Although this isn't very likely to happen anyway, it can't hurt to be extra cautious.

12-23-17, 09:56 PM
That's a beautiful looking boa, glad to hear she's getting an upgrade! I can't comment too much on the best heating solutions for custom enclosures, most keepers I hear use heat tape since it's versatile and custom stuff I imagine may not always readily accommodate mainstream products.

I personally use UTH on most everything, though I wouldn't really consider them "quality" products. I've has a number of the Exo-terra pads fail on me and just inconsistent temps in general. One keeper I've heard actually uses regular heat pads (like the ones for your back), and they swear by it. I'm considering that route myself.

Jim Smith
12-23-17, 10:02 PM
I switched over to RHP from Proproducts Pro Products – Specialized Habitat Control Products (http://pro-products.com/) and really like them. Easy to install, vey little hazard from overheating or injuring your snake and they maintain the temps in the enclosures with 1/10 degree (with a Herpstat Thermostat). Great folks to do business with.