View Full Version : Female yellow anaconda stopped eating?

12-18-17, 12:27 AM
I have a female yellow around 5', surprisingly docile, and used to eat like a machine until a couple months ago. I've owned her for about 7 months, started feeding live large rats weekly, switched over to F/T after a few live with no issues.

After a couple months I upgraded her to jumbo F/T, left a good lump in her and it took a bit longer to digest it all so I started feeding bi-weekly.
Couple months ago she just stopped. Any time I attempt to feed she expresses no interest. I attempted another large live rat, and she actually struck at it a couple times but seemingly only in defense. Recently I tried scenting a F/T rat with a rabbit, she didn't take it. There were no changes to environment between the last time she ate and when she stopped.

I've done a considerable amount of research to find similar situations, many keepers say this is just the time of season many females become picky eaters or don't eat at all. Others have advised that she may not have interest in rats any more and need guinea pigs.
If I have to start feeding her guinea pigs I will, but they're a bit more difficult to find locally (would have to be exclusively online) and I've been told that once she's on them, there's no going back. Of course if she really won't go back now anyways then I suppose it doesn't really matter, but should I try scenting a rat with a guinea pig next?

Her setup is fairly basic, 48x16x16, big hide, head pad gradient 78 - 80, big stick to help with ecdysis, soak dish (I used to do bath tub but it became easier to leave a bowl and clean it whenever she messes), misted daily to keep humidity at least 60% or better. I feed outside the enclosure. Currently she looks fine, doesn't appear to have lost weight though I will need to start formally weighing, still docile & very active.

I appreciate any and all responses, I am certain there are a lot of knowledgeable keepers on here!

DJC Reptiles
12-18-17, 09:44 AM
So this probably doesn't have to do with your snake not eating, but I highly suggest an enclosure upgrade soon. It is pretty awesome you have a docile anaconda, they generally are quite defensive. I don't recommend feeding your snake any more live animals just because, there is more risk then benefit, especially when you are feeding large rats and rabbits. Try hook training and feeding the snake inside the enclosure, this may get her to eat. I know places that feed guinea pigs, but I think it is more trouble then it's worth. Apparently they have more nutrition, but I don't see any problems with people keeping large snakes on rabbits. May I ask how long your snake has been off feed?

EL Ziggy
12-18-17, 02:09 PM
Your temps seem a bit cool at 78-80 for the warm side. I'd bump those up to 86-90 on the warm side. 78-80 should be the ambient temps in the enclosure.

DJC Reptiles
12-18-17, 03:20 PM
Your temps seem a bit cool at 78-80 for the warm side. I'd bump those up to 86-90 on the warm side. 78-80 should be the ambient temps in the enclosure.

I skipped over this, nice catch. Ambient temps I agree with 78-80. cool side temps should be 76-80, warm side temps should be 85-88. And there should be a 90-95 hotspot. Of course, all of this is in Fahrenheit, please do not cook or freeze your animal.

12-19-17, 10:42 PM
So this probably doesn't have to do with your snake not eating, but I highly suggest an enclosure upgrade soon. It is pretty awesome you have a docile anaconda, they generally are quite defensive. I don't recommend feeding your snake any more live animals just because, there is more risk then benefit, especially when you are feeding large rats and rabbits. Try hook training and feeding the snake inside the enclosure, this may get her to eat. I know places that feed guinea pigs, but I think it is more trouble then it's worth. Apparently they have more nutrition, but I don't see any problems with people keeping large snakes on rabbits. May I ask how long your snake has been off feed?

Thank you for the information, yes I agree there live feeding can be a hassle, I used to watch each live feeding and would hold back rat jaws if they could make contact, I feel like that would be a lot more difficult with a larger feeder. I believe her last meal was back in the middle of October.

12-19-17, 10:49 PM
Your temps seem a bit cool at 78-80 for the warm side. I'd bump those up to 86-90 on the warm side. 78-80 should be the ambient temps in the enclosure.

I'll bump up her heat and keep a close eye on it, do you have any recommendations for water temp for her soaking bowl? I've seen different suggestions but haven't heard anything definitively about it.

DJC Reptiles
12-20-17, 04:43 AM
77-85°F will work fine.