View Full Version : Dead Coastal

12-16-17, 11:00 PM
Hi Everyone Q: I took my young coastal python from its tank to outside to enjoy the nice sunny weather. It was climbing around in a small silver birch tree then onto the grass all good, I went inside to get my phone to video it when I came back out it was lying with its head up mouth wide open Dead. I'm stunned, what just happened?

DJC Reptiles
12-18-17, 09:53 AM
The most likely scenario is an outdoor cat had a fun time. My advice for the future is to never leave your snake alone. How old was your snake as well? How was its health?

12-18-17, 10:54 AM
Either cat or bird...weren't there any marks on the snake to indicate trauma of some sort, like to the head? Damaged scales?