View Full Version : nother egglaying q...

03-02-03, 04:09 PM
As my female is due to lay any day now, I provided her with a nest box filled with damp vermiculite... However she doesn't seem at all interested in it! She just lies between the nest box and the wall of the cage. Will she know to use it to lay her eggs, or will she just end up laying on the floor? Does she need to lay on vermiculite, or can it be on another substrate (newpaper or indoor/outdoor carpet)?


03-02-03, 05:19 PM
Best suggestion is to make the whole cage floor as a nest box! I have seens snakes lay there eggs all over the place but amny more in a nest box..

Best if luck Zoe .. I am as anxious as you - except i got a other 2 weeks to go!