View Full Version : Meet Aries, spotted python.

12-09-17, 10:53 PM
I've had Aries for 4 months now, she hatched 4/4/17.
My favorite snake so far for sure. I adore Antaresia pythons and their larger Morelia cousins. She's currently housed in a 15 gallon tank but I think I'll be moving her into a larger terrarium this year. She's eating fuzzies once a week and feeds like a champ. Great temper for a baby antaresia. Only get bit on occasion. If you don't have one of these guys I can't stress how perfect they are.

12-10-17, 03:15 AM
I've considered Antaresia a few times, may end up with one or a pair eventually. One of the few genera that are actually fine being housed as a pair in the same enclosure long-term rather than placed together for breeding.
Bites are an occupational hazard of keeping snakes, but IME they're few and far between. Usually a single incident from each animal that has bitten me, and most often because I was careless about handling a rodent before handling the snake or feeding by hand rather than with forceps or tongs.

12-10-17, 06:17 AM
Antaresia are just known for being nippy babies. It's a little sporadic and I can never tell when she's going to do it but it's harmless. Don't know about cohabitation, definitely wouldn't do it. They aren't social snakes in the wild so there's no reason for it other than your own benefit. I could definitely see them canabalize.

DJC Reptiles
12-10-17, 08:14 AM
Antaresia are just known for being nippy babies. It's a little sporadic and I can never tell when she's going to do it but it's harmless. Don't know about cohabitation, definitely wouldn't do it. They aren't social snakes in the wild so there's no reason for it other than your own benefit. I could definitely see them canabalize.

I find it funny when these snakes try to bite as babies, they're so small it doesn't break skin or hurt.

12-10-17, 09:35 PM
I find it funny when these snakes try to bite as babies, they're so small it doesn't break skin or hurt.

It's hilarious, 6 month old when she tried to bite the flat side of my hand.

Herpin' Man
12-10-17, 09:40 PM
Spotted pythons are nice. I don't currently keep them, although I keep and breed the closely related Stimson's pythons. One of my favorite species I have ever worked with.

Herpin' Man
12-10-17, 09:44 PM
One of the few genera that are actually fine being housed as a pair in the same enclosure long-term rather than placed together for breeding.
I would not recommend keeping these together outside of breeding season. Cannibalism is a real possibility.
Last year, one of my males actually fatally injured the female he was placed with for breeding, in fact. A friend of mine experienced the same thing once with his Antaresia, again during breeding season.

12-11-17, 09:59 AM
Congrats on the addition!

I have three of these: a juvenile Children's and a breeding pair of 9yr old Pygmy (Anthill).

No bites from any of them, and I keep my breeders apart since I don't want any accidental clutches. I figured that unless breeding the pair, they should be kept apart since they'd be vying for basking spots, crowding the hides, etc. and might get into an "argument" and someone would get hurt.

EL Ziggy
12-11-17, 08:41 PM
Very nice critter. They sound like fun snakes. :)