View Full Version : Olive update

EL Ziggy
12-04-17, 10:18 AM
Nigel is still growing like a weed. He's a tad over 1300g now and never bites or misses a meal. He was 141g when I got him 11 months ago. I love this guy! :)


12-04-17, 10:26 AM
Holy neck, 1150g in 11 months! Growing like a weed for sure. He is a looker too!

Albert Clark
12-04-17, 12:05 PM
Very clean looking reptile EL! We can tell he's getting the royal treatment (no pun intended). Haha.

EL Ziggy
12-04-17, 12:08 PM
Thanks y'all. I'm going to work on getting some better pics soon. :)

12-04-17, 04:23 PM
DUDE!! 1150g in 11months???? Can you watch him get bigger after he eats like a cartoon?

They still look amazing to me, too bad no mini version of them.

12-04-17, 06:35 PM
Wow...has it already been 11 months? O_O

He looks great Ziggy!

EL Ziggy
12-04-17, 08:27 PM
@ Blaze- He'll be about the same size as your SD retic. I figure he'll top out in the 8-10 ft. range but I'm prepared for a 12 ft snake. It's amazing how much of his food intake goes to growth. There's very little waste with this guy. He was snapping at the glass quiet a bit when I had him on smalls. I've started giving him mediums recently but he doesn't eat as often.

@ Mink- Time flies right?! He arrived on 1/4/17. I got my albino carpet a week later on 1/11/17. She's only gained 106g in the same 11 months. She's getting better though and I love her. :)

12-04-17, 09:26 PM
My SD will be around 6ft Ziggy lol He is a 68.75%SD, Chucks 75% is 6ft and his 62.75% is 7ft so he should fall in the middle.

And don't tempt me with a maybe 8-10ft snake lol not that they even have those up here.

12-06-17, 10:56 AM
What kind of snake is that? I love the looks of him!

DJC Reptiles
12-06-17, 11:02 AM
What kind of snake is that? I love the looks of him!

It's an olive python.

Beautiful snake. They are not very common in the hobby, congratulations for getting one. Can't wait to see him when he gets big.

12-07-17, 02:10 AM

Man he's looking fantastic. You always grow some terrific snakes! All the best.

EL Ziggy
12-14-17, 11:28 AM
Not the best pics of Nigel. I just liked how he blends in with the background.



DJC Reptiles
12-15-17, 09:40 AM
The iridescence really shines!

12-16-17, 07:54 AM
Stunning Ziggy

EL Ziggy
06-14-18, 07:11 PM
Anybody else keeping Olives these days? We need more of these in the hobby. They're amazing large snakes.

http://i.imgur.com/WPdAWbN.jpg (http://imgur.com/WPdAWbN)

http://i.imgur.com/ lol.jpg (http://imgur.com/WPdAWbN)

http://i.imgur.com/QK5FAeq.jpg (http://imgur.com/QK5FAeq)

http://i.imgur.com/Vl4N3oQ.jpg (http://imgur.com/Vl4N3oQ)

http://i.imgur.com/hfVCT9y.jpg (http://imgur.com/hfVCT9y)

06-14-18, 09:41 PM
Very nice snake, Ziggy. And huge, no doubt. XD

06-15-18, 07:31 PM
My son was looking for another after his carpet python passed. I found him an Olive python in our local classified. He's had Oliver for about 2.5 years now. Don't know what he weighed but he was 6.5 feet and he's pushing 9 feet now and about 6-7 years old.

EL Ziggy
06-15-18, 10:01 PM
That's awesome 1202. I'm really excited to see this guy grow. He'll be two on July 1st.

06-16-18, 09:20 AM
Oliver has seemed to switch his diet on his own tho. He will ONLY take live now. My son has a lead tho with someone who has to many rabbits and is always wanting to get rid of them...for free. My kid makes me jealous sometimes.

06-18-18, 06:55 PM
Just a beautiful species and that one is particularly nice IMO.